Somebody trolling!
Laugh if they changed it to ILOVEPUTIN
Somebody trolling!
I haven't looked but is it actually a US Globalhawk or in fact the NATO AGS RQ-4D? It matters because the sensor fits are completely different of course.Sadly I knew exactly where to click on the map to check hah.
I like the way the Global Hawk is now "AAAAAAA"
I haven't looked but is it actually a US Globalhawk or in fact the NATO AGS RQ-4D? It matters because the sensor fits are completely different of course.
Eh, I wouldn't stop till I got to France at least quite frankly...
ride the lightning \m/Sure, ryanair say they won't stop till the missiles drop.
Why do some military craft have their transponders switched on? Is it to send a message to say, for example, that they're submarine hunting in a certain area because their intelligence is on point and knows there's something there?
I guess for the recon above Ukraine, they know Russia knows they'll be there so it's not so much a matter of secrecy.
I suspect that the Ukraine military will feed the initial brunt, then once the US and allies have taken stock of the situation they will respond. The US is never first to a fight, it prefers to be sitting in the wings observing and planning the use of their toys.
The Russians are doing precisely what they did in WW2, the US too - China will be the interesting variable.
Obviously not counting the gulf wars, Vietnam, Korea, Kosovo etc etc etc.
Nice theory though, did you go with ww1&2 and stop?
Without Russia Germany would’ve conquered Europe. I’m not cheerleading for anyone but these parts of the war were and are conveniently left out. The Russians had more casualties than all other allied nations combined, including the Jews.
Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you or NickK but most of those the US got involved in after they'd been ongoing for some time and/or initially only sent advisors and supplies. Vietnam for instance things kicked off around 54/55 but the US didn't go in hard until 64 - before that their contributions were mostly advisors and supplies.
Why do some military craft have their transponders switched on? Is it to send a message to say, for example, that they're submarine hunting in a certain area because their intelligence is on point and knows there's something there?
I guess for the recon above Ukraine, they know Russia knows they'll be there so it's not so much a matter of secrecy.
FZ1716 says hold my beer, interesting the Russian/Ukraine border is devoid of any aircraft though
Did we the west or shall I say the US do that in Iraq?….You also forgot that they helped build the Nazi war machine up in the first place and helped kick it all off by holding hands with the Nazis in thier invasion of Poland.
Then let's not forget the atrocities they committed as well, we may have won ww2 in the west but the eastern nations just replaced one dictator with another and got zero Freedom.
History huh
US intelligence helped Saddam's Ba`ath Party seize power for the first time in 1963. Evidence suggests that Saddam was on the CIA payroll as early as 1959, when he participated in a failed assassination attempt against Iraqi strongman Abd al-Karim Qassem. In the 1980s, the US and Britain backed Saddam in the war against Iran, giving Iraq arms, money, satellite intelligence, and even chemical & bio-weapon precursors. As many as 90 US military advisors supported Iraqi forces and helped pick targets for Iraqi air and missile attacks.
Did we the west or shall I say the US do that in Iraq?….Ah so you are comparing killing millions, occupying how many nations 15!? for 30 odd years and all that oppression/ lack of freedom etc etc.
Iraq was wrong but we have not imposed our government onto them, nor have we killed millions who dared to think a little different