Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Interesting article, it's claimed that Ukraine now has more tanks in it's armed forces then Russia does in no small part due to the colossal losses Russia's tanks force has suffered thanks to poor leadership, lack of training and poor tactical abilities.


(err Bloomberg last time I checked I'm not a robot)
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Those numbers are way off - they are only looking at losses + pre-war active stock and not what actually happened - Russia pulled a lot of stuff out of deep storage from 2017-2021 including tanks and artillery and put them back into service for this war (or in the case of T-80s used some of them to cycle out T-72s from elsewhere such as arctic forces and used them for this war) which is not included in the pre-war active numbers.
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They aren't snuff videos tho that's where YOUR obvious lie is exposed, using a false but emotive word IS propaganda, it's straight out of a Russian bot farm play book.

I don't care if you're being paid or just stupidly parroting your favourite internet dumb dumb.

now you're making stuff up nobodies getting joy from killing, least of all me, you're making up lies. What's with all the obey stuff, do you think I'm part of the matrix, lol.

We're talking about people watching videos of people being killed in order to gain pleasure from watching people being killed. That's the sole topic of this argument - people gaining pleasure from watching people being killed. The phrase "snuff video" is entirely appropriate.

Some people think that snuff videos are a bad thing.

You lie about the people who think that snuff videos are a bad thing and falsely accuse them of being Kremlim propagandists, a Russian bot farm, etc, etc.

EDIT: I missed another blatantly untrue statement from you. This thread is full of people openly boasting about gaining pleasure from watching videos of people being killed. I could provide dozens if not hundreds of examples. How many do you want?
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We're talking about people watching videos of people being killed in order to gain pleasure from watching people being killed. That's the sole topic of this argument - people gaining pleasure from watching people being killed. The phrase "snuff video" is entirely appropriate.

Some people think that snuff videos are a bad thing.

You lie about the people who think that snuff videos are a bad thing and falsely accuse them of being Kremlim propagandists, a Russian bot farm, etc, etc.

EDIT: I missed another blatantly untrue statement from you. This thread is full of people openly boasting about gaining pleasure from watching videos of people being killed. I could provide dozens if not hundreds of examples. How many do you want?

ISIS execution videos are snuff videos. Mexican cartel execution videos are snuff videos. The Wagner solider that had his head caved in with a sledge hammer is a snuff video. They are all barbaric videos. Videos of war where soldiers happen to die are not snuff videos.

I've maybe seen 1 poster say they enjoyed seeing Russians die. I want Russia to lose or should I say I want Ukraine to win. Part of losing a war is losing soldiers and equipment. The more Russia loses the better it is for Ukraine. I'd much rather Russia just packed up and went home but they aren't doing that, they are raping and pillaging Ukraine, they are bombing civilian targets, they are castrating POWs. No one is making them rape, no one is making them castrate POWs. No one is making them murder civilians. I hope they all surrender but many don't, some even fake surrender and then try and kill the soldiers offering them surrender with a grenade. At this point they are little better than German SS soldiers or Japanese solider in the Pacific in my eyes. If you are looking for sympathy for these people you are likely in the wrong thread.
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Can NATO sustain a war with Russia or China? Is the wests production capabilities especially for modern military hardware up to the job? Not an argumentative question just curious for answers from people with more knowledge of these things.

EDIT: conventional war, remove nuclear option.

I think the US would have production issues against China in a land war, but that can't really happen, so where are they fighting? The US vs China is predominantly a Naval and Air campaign, neither country can really attack each others main land. Fighting over Taiwan would see the US Navy win a costly war, but they would be able to sustain naval and air operations until they won. This scenario has been played out a lot recently in high level military simulators and that was the consensus.

NATO vs Russia is heavily one sided in favour of the NATO, there's no production issues, the Russian military would be an ineffective fighting force within 1 month. It would be an unfair fight almost.
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I thought all 6 cores at the reactor were already in cold shutdown - 5 since the invasion and the 6th when the russians blew the dam?
They still need cooling when the russians bombed the power network they had to rely on backup diesel generators. As for what happens if they overheat, lord knows but it's probably not good /s

My guess is that they *might* send in a contingency to secure the reactor and make it safe, on the grounds that it represents a real danger to Nato countries. They would not fire on Russians unless they fired first. They would demand Russian troops leave the area, but I doubt this would be a problem since the Russians would have course have no protective gear.
No-one is sending NATO troops into russian controlled or anywhere else territory a serving british soldier was jailed lately for going AWOL to fight in Ukraine an regular NATO soldier fighting against russians would be major diplomatic incident and a major propaganda coup for Putin the west does not want loose cannons triggering WW3 all by themselves
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That looks like it is good or large concentrations of troops/light armor etc. Curious how that will work with trenches.

Not as well as the folks in here who are getting all moist talking about them would suggest. They're specifically designed to kill/main troops and vehicles out in the open where there is no cover for people/vehicles, which means the disadvantage of having small amount of explosive within each submunition (only a little more than a hand grenade in the M42/M46 used in DPICM) is neutralised by having lots of those submunitions all simultaneously explode with nowhere to hide from all that shrapnel.

However, with trenches and dug-in troops there's lots of cover, and now the small amount of explosive within each submunition remains a disadvantage and even if any submunition is lucky enough to land in a trench, its shrapnel spread is limited only a few meters before the trench zig/zags, specifically to prevent shrapnel flying down it, something we learned to do over one hundred years ago and still relevant today.

Instead, for troops in trenches you use lots of 122/150/155/203mm artillery firing a mix of airburst (at about 20m/75ft height) and delay fuse - airburst to hit anyone exposed in the trench who is trying to observe or shoot at your troops (155mm airburst shrapnel range is 200m+ at 75ft height), and then you need delay fuse to dig out strongpoints/bunkers, physically wreck the trench walls, rip up barbed wire/obstacles/mines etc. So airburst to kill/main and delay fuse to destroy infrastructure/barriers.

Again, none of that has changed since WW2 when an accurate airburst radar-based fuse became available which could be set for a certain consistent height rather than the older WW1 timer based ones which made airburst very unreliable.

Just a point of clarity too, despite what wikipedia said and it's 100% wrong in this case (I've tried to change it, we'll see if it stays) neither M42 nor M46 submunition has an "airburst" capability which is what the Wiki page for DPICM suggested (if my edit doesn't stay). At best it could be trying to describe what happens when a submunition hits a vehicle roof and detonates at head height, but it is certainly not "airburst" as both of these are contact/impact detonated submunitions so they have to hit something solid to go boom, but then again since when has Wiki been an accurate source to use :)

I've maybe seen 1 poster say they enjoyed seeing Russians die.

I would suggest you look again, but I doubt you will, not through malice etc but just due to the sheer amount of posts in here now making it almost impossible to search through. However, I know with 100% certainty that there's easily over a dozen posts from people who've openly said they wanted Russian POW's murdered (after the 1st castration vid), all 140 million Russian men, women and children killed, even Serbia to be invaded and wiped of the map killing another 7m all because the poster "thought" Serbia supported Russia etc etc, most of which I quoted.

If you wish to believe that only 1 poster in here gets excited by seeing drone footage of Russians dying, I would suggest you are very, very naive to put in kindly.
I would suggest you look again, but I doubt you will, not through malice etc but just due to the sheer amount of posts in here now making it almost impossible to search through. However, I know with 100% certainty that there's easily over a dozen posts from people who've openly said they wanted Russian POW's murdered (after the 1st castration vid), all 140 million Russian men, women and children killed, even Serbia to be invaded and wiped of the map killing another 7m all because the poster "thought" Serbia supported Russia etc etc, most of which I quoted.

If you wish to believe that only 1 poster in here gets excited by seeing drone footage of Russians dying, I would suggest you are very, very naive to put in kindly.

Comments made after a video of a Ukrainian POW being castrated are obviously going to be angry and people say things when they are angry, especially on an anonymous forum where it doesn't matter. People are also very angry at seeing Russia once again commit atrocities in a country they are invading. They have a habit of raping, murdering civilians, destroying civilian infrastructure, committing genocide. And it appears a large proportion of their population is more than ok with it, they support those actions. We've all heard the phone calls where Russian wives tell their soldier husbands to rape Ukrainian women. So again if you are looking for sympathy for Russians you are likely in the wrong thread.
We're talking about people watching videos of people being killed in order to gain pleasure from watching people being killed. That's the sole topic of this argument - people gaining pleasure from watching people being killed. The phrase "snuff video" is entirely appropriate.

Some people think that snuff videos are a bad thing.

You lie about the people who think that snuff videos are a bad thing and falsely accuse them of being Kremlim propagandists, a Russian bot farm, etc, etc.

EDIT: I missed another blatantly untrue statement from you. This thread is full of people openly boasting about gaining pleasure from watching videos of people being killed. I could provide dozens if not hundreds of examples. How many do you want?
Still not a snuff video, I accuse people of using Kremlin propagandist talking points, when they use Kremlin propagandist talking points. like, the evil west is enjoying snuff videos of poor Russian defenders of freedom.

It doesn't matter if you actually are the idiot bot farm, or you are the useful idiot parroting the bot farm.

the only people I see enjoying ALL the death happening in Ukraine are people that like sitting on their red pill high horses of righteousness, you seem to be getting some sort of weird kick out of it.
Watching war videos used to be cruise missiles, anti aircraft guns and A10s going brrrrrrrrt.
Now it's pov drones dropping grenades on wounded men then gloating as they crawl dying.
It's about as close to "snuff" as you'll get unless you're into executions....
We live in interesting times.
This is the first truly just war in a long long time and Russia must and will lose and losing does involve people dying..
Just sad how much people get off on it all.

Yes I'm a bot farm propaganda machine for the Soviet regeim.i guess.
I think there is a pretty thin line between curiosity, war porn and more towards the extreme snuff with this and personally I get no pleasure from seeing [almost] anyone die in this war though there are some who undoubtedly deserve it.
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Still not a snuff video, I accuse people of using Kremlin propagandist talking points, when they use Kremlin propagandist talking points. like, the evil west is enjoying snuff videos of poor Russian defenders of freedom.

It doesn't matter if you actually are the idiot bot farm, or you are the useful idiot parroting the bot farm.

the only people I see enjoying ALL the death happening in Ukraine are people that like sitting on their red pill high horses of righteousness, you seem to be getting some sort of weird kick out of it.

More untrue statements from you. No surprises there.

Some people get pleasure from watching people being killed. Your pretence that there's no difference between "some people" and "everyone in the west" is just that - a pretence. One of many on your part. As is your pretence that there aren't any people doing so when you know full well that there are many people doing so right here in this thread. As is your pretence that objecting to people gaining pleasure from watching people being killed is "enjoying ALL the death happening in Ukraine". You're just throwing any accusation you can think of at anyone who objects to people gaining pleasure from watching people die (and boasting about it).

You're a liar, simple as that.
ISIS execution videos are snuff videos. Mexican cartel execution videos are snuff videos. The Wagner solider that had his head caved in with a sledge hammer is a snuff video. They are all barbaric videos. Videos of war where soldiers happen to die are not snuff videos.

Videos of killings that are used for gratification by people who enjoy watching people die blurs the line. It's like stabbing someone to death with a kitchen knife. The maker of that knife didn't intend it to be used that way, but the person doing the stabbing did intend for it to be used that way and did use it that way.

I've maybe seen 1 poster say they enjoyed seeing Russians die.

Then you haven't read much of this thread.

I want Russia to lose or should I say I want Ukraine to win. Part of losing a war is losing soldiers and equipment. The more Russia loses the better it is for Ukraine. I'd much rather Russia just packed up and went home but they aren't doing that, they are raping and pillaging Ukraine, they are bombing civilian targets, they are castrating POWs. No one is making them rape, no one is making them castrate POWs. No one is making them murder civilians. I hope they all surrender but many don't, some even fake surrender and then try and kill the soldiers offering them surrender with a grenade. At this point they are little better than German SS soldiers or Japanese solider in the Pacific in my eyes. If you are looking for sympathy for these people you are likely in the wrong thread.

I'm not, obviously. I don't care if those people are killed. If they're not killed during the war I have no objection to them being killed after the war, after a war crimes trial.

Is that clear enough for you? Shall I belabour the point even more?

As for the rest of the Russian soldiers, the ones not guilty of the war crimes you refer to, I'd consider their deaths a regrettable necessity. A part of war. The least bad course of action available.

I'm curious. Do you really believe that the only two possible positions are the two extremes? That a person can either gain pleasure from watching people being killed or they're advocating rape and mutilation and murder and every other bad thing that can possibly exist? You're writing as though you believe that. I know that such extreme polarisation is very fashionable nowadays. But it's blatant nonsense. Believing it is wildly irrational.
I think the US would have production issues against China in a land war, but that can't really happen, so where are they fighting? The US vs China is predominantly a Naval and Air campaign, neither country can really attack each others main land. Fighting over Taiwan would see the US Navy win a costly war, but they would be able to sustain naval and air operations until they won. This scenario has been played out a lot recently in high level military simulators and that was the consensus.

NATO vs Russia is heavily one sided in favour of the NATO, there's no production issues, the Russian military would be an ineffective fighting force within 1 month. It would be an unfair fight almost.
Wow, that’s probably the most sensible thing you have written in this thread
for the record, you're a ****, comment on the content, not the poster. but FYI it's called mocking by imitation, a buzzword propagandist whose only other resort is to stoop to calling lair lair like a 4-year-old.

but thanks for the intelligent input, darling.

I'd take that out if you don't want a suspension.

But with Angilion, if you read his posts through the lens of Rain Man they make a lot more sense. He's intelligent and erudite but quite far down the spectrum that he gets so focused on absolutes he lacks a lot of nuance in his reasoning.
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