Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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With the talk of possible disasters involving the ZNPP, four really important things really need to be kept in mind.

Firstly, much of the media seem to be treating this power station as no different than Chernobyl, just another crappy Soviet design, but in reality it's a completely different design, sharing about as much with an RBMK power station as a Tesla does with a '69 Mustang. It is technologically superior than any plant in the UK or USA, although this is mostly due to both countries having abandoned nuclear power before the USSR (although the UK did continue an under construction plant into the 90s).

Secondly, while Chernobyl was based on a flawed design from the 50's which had seen shockingly little improvement (as beating Britain and America to building a nuclear power station was a massive symbol of pride for the Soviets and so they were extremely opposed to adding any improvements based off of western designs). That disaster was primarily caused by ridiculous levels of operator incompetence and negligence (this is often missed by people who only "learned" of the events via HBO's dramatization series, which played very fast and loose with the facts). A disaster like that is impossible at the ZNPP because the safety systems and plant design simply will not let any operator run the plant in such a suicidal state, they simply do not have the overrides to do it post Chernobyl.

Thirdly, when you factor in both of the above, the only way a serious disaster could take place at the plant is by deliberate action, there will be no plausible deniability (not that Russia have cared to much about the plausibility of their denials thus far).

Fourthly, none of this conversation would be taking place had Putin not invaded Ukraine, so even if a HIMARS rocket malfunctions, flies to the plant, opens the doors, get in a lift and proceeds to fill the entire control room with Monster Munch it would still be 100% Russia's fault.

There are times when the media should be slapped. They are completely ignorant and often play right in to the hands of the (terrorist) aggressor. I guarantee you, if anything happens at that plant, the media will totally freak out.
but thanks for the intelligent input, darling.
I don't think I have ever seen anyone wound up by an @Efour post before, he's a great guy. Any problems with him are probably your own When @Angilion posts it is always considered, intelligent analysis. Sure, he can sometimes appear patronising which can wind some people up, but you are barking up the wrong tree there too.

Fwiw, I don't think anyone is saying "it is wrong to watch people die because they are Russian etc', more that it is wrong to watch anyone die. I avoid these videos too, but I don't judge anyone who does, nor those who laugh at it. People can become desensitised to it.
Fwiw, I don't think anyone is saying "it is wrong to watch people die because they are Russian etc', more that it is wrong to watch anyone die.

Maybe I should start another thread about it, but why is it?

It seems to me looking throughout mankind's history that the deaths of others have been widely used as entertainment in every civilisation.

From the colosseums of Rome through to the public executions in London in Victorian times they were very popular spectacles.

Whether its a mix of morbid curiosity through to facing one's own mortality, I don't know but it does seem like a natural human trait tbh.
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Well so has slavery powered empires but deffo another topic, though I don't think it's hard to understand.
Dehumanising and taking joy from killing an enemy is all part of warfare. Get it down to us or them and you have the basis for war.
Start another thread :p
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Difference with this war (and other recent ones) ; GW1991 was the war on tv ; as said above we saw streams of AA fire, cruise missiles and made for tv video shots. Now we have go pro , might as well be live, videos of trench assaults - first person. It drives home that war is not about honour and chivalry ; its about missions, objectives and body counts. Do it to them before they do it to you. Anyway, back to Ukraine.
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Watching war videos used to be cruise missiles, anti aircraft guns and A10s going brrrrrrrrt.
Now it's pov drones dropping grenades on wounded men then gloating as they crawl dying.
It's about as close to "snuff" as you'll get unless you're into executions....
We live in interesting times.
This is the first truly just war in a long long time and Russia must and will lose and losing does involve people dying..
Just sad how much people get off on it all.

Yes I'm a bot farm propaganda machine for the Soviet regeim.i guess.
Sorry but Gulf and middle east saw a lot of apache & spooky heat cams with even more graphic imagery as the heat of the blood showed up clearly. People dead, blown to bits (parts still warm), people bleeding out attempting to save themselves.

Media is being used as a way to demotivate the opposing troops, every active vehicle hit, and mine typically means one or more dead/injured people.

Media simply brings some of the reality of front line, to public view. Missing is the close in stuff which hollywood glorifies.
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Talk yesterday as to whether the "allies" could sustain ammunition supplies. Eu also funding boosting this.
I hope that post this conflict we ensure we maintain higher capabilities.

Personally think it a necessarily precaution in the era we seem to be stepping into though I hope it isn't necessary and might work to dissuade the likes of China and Russia from pursuing certain paths.
Sorry but Gulf and middle east saw a lot of apache & spooky heat cams with even more graphic imagery as the heat of the blood showed up clearly. People dead, blown to bits (parts still warm), people bleeding out attempting to save themselves.
Yes that's true and as messed up as it sounds I personally think it's colder to see an HD drone hovering over an injured man amateurishly dropping grenades near him, than a whole squad full of Jihadis getting "professionally" 30mm cannoned in black and white.
Whatever it's a me problem....ones a call of duty kill streak ones the future of modern infantry conflict.
my question is simple - what is the purpose of media/reporting. In the end it’s never unbiased, it’s never entirely true and it’s weaponised both in active war and as a mechanism over 20+ years.
The boundary for what is reported ultimately ends up with the individual electing to watch or not.
Yes that's true and as messed up as it sounds I personally think it's colder to see an HD drone hovering over an injured man amateurishly dropping grenades near him, than a whole squad full of Jihadis getting "professionally" 30mm cannoned in black and white.
Whatever it's a me problem....ones a call of duty kill streak ones the future of modern infantry conflict.
War is ****, an injured soldier is still a threat.
So again if you are looking for sympathy for Russians you are likely in the wrong thread.

Have I posted anywhere that I'm looking for "sympathy for Russians"? If I have would you mind quoting it for me please so I can read it for myself, thanks.

War is ****, an injured soldier is still a threat.

Absolutely true. However I think the point being made is that, whilst people understand that war is horrible and people die or get injured and that its gets filmed and shown nowadays, some people seem to take an almost perverse level of joy in seeing a human being ripped apart or dying, and seeing people with that level of joy over death doesn't sit right with a lot of people, especially when the "justification" for that level of joy boils down to "but they're the enemy so its OK" whilst they also argue that that Russians who get enjoyment out of seeing dead Ukrainians are "bad, evil people".
Have I posted anywhere that I'm looking for "sympathy for Russians"? If I have would you mind quoting it for me please so I can read it for myself, thanks.

Absolutely true. However I think the point being made is that, whilst people understand that war is horrible and people die or get injured and that its gets filmed and shown nowadays, some people seem to take an almost perverse level of joy in seeing a human being ripped apart or dying, and seeing people with that level of joy over death doesn't sit right with a lot of people, especially when the "justification" for that level of joy boils down to "but they're the enemy so its OK" whilst they also argue that that Russians who get enjoyment out of seeing dead Ukrainians are "bad, evil people".

Unfortunately you will always have a spectrum. I suppose the question is - should media publish it? However where is the line between soldiers killing innocents and soldiers killing soldiers.
In the end if you’re going celebrate war and that pushes the adrenaline/endorphine buttons then public media or not you’re going to seek it out… and personally I think you you need help to bring you back to reality and the norm.. computer games it isn’t but sometimes the recent events (killing kids in a church for example) results in a desire to retaliate and people then associate the media footage as payback. In the end war just self reinforces, combined with the political stoking.
I had a turning point with this kind of material that's in discussion, up until I lost my mum a few years back, I could watch it quite indifferently and not be affected. However since then, I find any video which results in a real life death leaves me feeling quite uncomfortable - regardless of who is being killed. On the flipside, i'll happily watch the most depraved and edge pushing horror or bloody extreme action without being remotely bothered as of course, I know it's not real.
My take is that there is unlikely to be anyone on here who truly relishes the death of Russian soldiers.
Its very easy to post messages that seem to be glorifying it, or taking joy from it.
Thats the problem with a simple message that shows no emotion, nor facial expression etc.

I mean I dislike both anything that seems to do the above, but as equally any posts that seem to overly moralise.
I tend to take more offence at the overly moralising posts for some reason.
I suppose now I think about it, its because again they generally come across as having little acceptance of the reality on the ground, treating it as black and white. That may not be how the poster intends it, but thats how I read it.
A line at the end saying "but I condemn the Russians" is too late by the time I have read the post.

Personally now whilst I am looking for footage I watch little of it. I almost always avoid the "watch to the end" type ones as they almost always end up showing death.
As I have said before, once you have seen one grenade dropped from a drone you don't need to see 20 to see the same effect.
I am really looking for the capabilities, proven advances etc.

I take offence when I hear comments like "people getting moist".
I am not getting moist, I am happy that we are giving the party who I believe is morally right (defending their lands from an aggressor) the best tools to achieve the lowest losses for them and the worse impact for the aggressor.
If someone is going to have a very bad day then I would rather its a Russian than a Ukrainian. Ideally neither but only Putin right now can make that choice.
The moist comment is IMO just as bad as any others.
People have a web of people that are impacted, parents, family, children. Every soldier is there to enforce the will of a regime, some elect some are forced.
If that regime is attacking then then have no issue removing them from the offensive.. their choice if it’s in handcuffs or in a bodybag.
I’ve had to watch family die and break the news to parents, I feel for the soldiers etc but there is a choice and I would defend lethally if that was the only choice provided by someone elses choice.
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Stoltenberg: NATO leaders, at Vilnius summit, will reaffirm that Ukraine will become a member of NATO and how to bring Ukraine closer to this goal

Interesting, I hadn't picked up on that Ukraine "will become a member of NATO"

I wonder what they are cooking up.
Maybe (hopefully) they have some way to get at least part of Ukraine under NATO protection. I mean places like Lyiv.
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