Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Russians are now banned from buying foreign currency

Due to the poor performance of the Ruble currency, in an attempt to prevent further landslide erosion of the ruble's value, the Russian central bank has shut down domestic foreign exchange services to stop people buying foreign currency

I wonder if Elvira Nabiullina has more tricks up her sleeves to stop the Ruble turning to rubble, this seems like a desperate ploy to stave of the invertible collapse of Russia's currency. Last year the $:RUB spiked as high at $135 to the Ruble before sharply coming back down in the following weeks but this done by raising interest rates to 20% and insisting purchases for oil and gas be made in Rubles rather then Euro's or Dollars. The EU no longer buys Russian oil and gas and what it does sell to other markets is sold super cheap.
Evacuating civilians or military presence?
Moving the military doesn't require public announcements. The Russian military seems to be "robbing Peter to pay Paul" by moving their limited number of effective troops to places where Ukraine is applying pressure and leaving less effective conscripts as place holders. This seems to be what led to Ukraine's recent success in the south.

Russia would like to draw Ukrainian troops in the south away from what they are doing.

That doesn't make Russia's build up in the north a bluff though. Ukraine seems to value their efforts in the south more than the town they are evacuating in the north. If Ukraine are not going to reallocate forces, then evacuating this town gives the (smaller) Ukranian force already in place more "room to work".

Ukraine may well need to lose some ground in the north to stay focused on their efforts in the south.
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Moving the military doesn't require public announcements. The Russian military seems to be "robbing Peter to pay Paul" by moving their limited number of effective troops to places where Ukraine is applying pressure and leaving less effective conscripts as place holders. This seems to be what led to Ukraine's recent success in the south.

Russia would like to draw Ukrainian troops in the south away from what they are doing.

That doesn't make Russia's build up in the north a bluff though. Ukraine seems to value their efforts in the south more than the town they are evacuating in the north. If Ukraine are not going to reallocate forces, then evacuating this town gives the (smaller) Ukranian force already in place more "room to work".

Ukraine may well need to lose some ground in the north to stay focused on their efforts in the south.
I guess its all strategic and would also assume the military (whatever numbers are there currently) will remain to defend so its more a care for their own civilian people rather than just handily giving up space.
From following the daily updates Russia has already launched offensive operations in the north, some territory was taken about week ago but this was taken back earlier in the week when Ukraine counter attacked. I can only assume Russia is doing this to not appear 'weak' in front of it's own people and that they can still go on the attack as and when they choose to. Silly games being played in the name of saving face, pathetic but what else can you expect from these idiots?
The lack of self awareness. The complete death of irony. The rampant hypocrisy. It's all here.

And speaking of idiots here's one that's an Ace in the pack. The more he talks the more he embarrasses himself and Russia but never mind, he's probably overdue a visit from the KGB to who like to practice making mashed potato with his face.
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Does anyone how these compare the SCALP/Storm Shadow? I know the warhead is a bit bigger and the range maybe be longer (the range will likely getting nerffed before being sent to Ukraine). Are these better at avoiding anti air systems, worse?

I don't know much about the TAURUS but it is slightly slower in most cases and turbofans tend to be poor for stealth - I'd imagine the Storm Shadow is moderately to significantly better able to evade air defences. Also SCALP/SS can be programmed with information to help it avoid air-defences, I don't believe TAURUS has that ability in the same way.
Does anyone how these compare the SCALP/Storm Shadow? I know the warhead is a bit bigger and the range maybe be longer (the range will likely getting nerffed before being sent to Ukraine). Are these better at avoiding anti air systems, worse?

Just to disagree with Rroff a little, virtually identical in practice despite the differences in appearance.

The "official" Stormshadow range in wiki etc was mentioned to be wrong by Ukrainians who claimed it was about 500km in reality, the warhead is almost an identical weight but different design and the low level nav system etc is very, very similar too able to follow a pre-programmed path around AA/SAM sites.

When you physically compare the two missiles next to each other, they're similar sizes, so seeing reports of Taurus being twice the range of Stormshadow just underly how "off" the official range of stormshadow is.
Are there any rumors how many Scalp/SS missiles UK and France gave to Ukraine and how many Tauruses Germany is likely to provide?

Germany bought a total of 600 - some of them have been probably used up in exercises, but still they have quite a few left.
Just to disagree with Rroff a little, virtually identical in practice despite the differences in appearance.

the low level nav system etc is very, very similar too able to follow a pre-programmed path around AA/SAM sites.

As mentioned I don't know much about it on the TAURUS but AFAIK it is more a general purpose avoidance feature of its navigation system whereas SCALP/SS has it as an additional specialised feature of its navigation system.

One ability TAURUS does potentially have, though I don't believe it has been produced, is powerful electronic warfare variants which could be quite useful against Russian forces.
AFAIK it is more a general purpose avoidance feature of its navigation system whereas SCALP/SS has it as an additional specialised feature of its navigation system.

Both have very similar versions of TERCOM (or TRN as its also known) for that specialised low-level AA/SAM avoidance, alongside the more basic INS and GPS they use for general navigation and both have IIR sensors for the terminal attack phase. Neither has anything radically different/unique in how it operates over the other, bar the engine you mentioned. Speaking of which, based on prior experience, I would guess the 500km+ range of Taurus might juuuuust be a little longer than that, which is a nice bonus for Ukraine :)
Another one? How many does that make it now? I've lost count, there's new red lines every day whets that make it now, anyone keep count?

And so what does he do about these red lines anyway, Attack Ukraine again?
Putin might be able to survive losing the teritory he's just taken, I doubt he would survive losing Crimea.
Shells and supplies take time to produce. Especially the fun stuff like Stormshadow. What we're seeing is decades of underproduction catching up with us.

At peace time rates they can take a very long time - but that isn't a hard limit - push comes to shove we can ramp up and pump this stuff out pretty quickly - unfortunately it doesn't seem to be seen as a war time situation though - but I think to some degree we should be seeing it like that. This whole thing with Ukraine, especially if not shutdown quickly, is only going to see the world become less stable and more fragmented and Russia has a vested interest in causing that kind of trouble to distract the West.
What we're seeing is decades of underproduction catching up with us.
And we're apparently learning nothing from it, I think the US is only country who has actually made efforts to ramp up production of munitions but that was only specifically for artillery shells, maybe some other smaller munitions too, if any of us got into a war against the likes of Russia or China we would be out of supplies in a month or 2
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