Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It's just a metal tube?

Just a metal tube that has to be made to very high specifications and undergoes huge pressure every time it’s fired, they lose accuracy and then have a tendency to self destruct once they have fired too many shells

Just to add, thats due to the "rifling" - the metal spiral grooves cut along the length of the barrel which allow the shells to spin - which wears out under the immense pressure of sending a heavy lump of metal over large distances, losing both accuracy and velocity (can't fire as far) alongside the more obvious "barrel go boom" side effects.

Handheld infantry rifles, pistols, machine guns etc all have the same issue of barrels wearing this "rifling" out and losing accuracy, velocity etc so it eventually happens to all guns big or small once they fire enough rounds.

Rifling inside a barrel


Damaged rifling -


what happens next as the metal weakens - Russian Self-Propelled Artillery barrel exploded for example -

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No he won't, there's been so many Russian red lines that have been crossed and met with zero response
This one is different. If Russia loses Crimea, Putin will very likely be removed from power and killed by his own man.
Russia have no active capability to make artillery shells? That’s got to be a huge blow for them. I’m surprised more of these facilities aren’t being targeted.
This is a video from a Russian shell factory in Orsk (close to the border with Kazakhstan):
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Russia have no active capability to make artillery shells? That’s got to be a huge blow for them. I’m surprised more of these facilities aren’t being targeted.
They do, when it comes to artillery it pretty much makes up the backbone of Russia's capabilities but your right I'm surprised these facilities haven't been targeted sooner by either long range drones or special forces action. One problem Russia does have with increasing production is access to quality ball bearings which are vitally important for modern production, last I read they were buying cheap ball bearings from China which aren't great but it's all they've got due to sanctions.
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There are over 4 million people with Russian passports, speaking Russian language and with mostly Russian heritage in Crimea. Stealing Crimea was the biggest success of Putin during his 24 year reign and a key factor in Russian politics. Putin is not just going to just say whatever, take it - he's definitely going to put an ultimatum to Ukraine and US "Stop or I'll use the nukes".
Crimea was part of Russia from it's founding as a Russian statelet in the late 18th Century until the 1950's I believe. Khruschev gave it to Ukraine if memory serves. I think Crimea would be a definite red line for Russia. The risk is also that if they take back the more firmly Russian parts of the annexed lands they invite a near perpetual insurgency, much like they had from 2014 to 2022 in Donbass before.
Based on what ? There's literally nobody to remove him

Putin's propaganda machine has been telling Russian people for years "You may have low salaries, low pensions, low life expectancy, etc., but Putin created a strong army, returned Crimea and everyone is afraid of us". His approval rating was already tanking after the pension age increase and the one million people who died due to the inadequate handling of Covid. If he loses the war and Crimea there will be no arguments left why he needs to stay as president. The Russian elite used to live the dream - mansions in UK, Europe, US, yachts, private jets. Now as result of Putin's war many of them are under sanctions, can't travel, lost money and property. Without the approval of the people and the elite it's only a matter of time for an ambitious general or bureaucrat to organize a coup.
This would be a waste of time, no one would arrive

As much **** talking as right wing Americans do, they will never put their money where their mouth is and go live in Russia.

There has been countless recent opportunities for Russian shills in the West to make the switch and I've still not seen a single one do it. Most recently Gonzalo Lira had the opportunity to go to Russia but instead said no thanks and tries to seek asylum in Europe instead which didn't work out the way he hoped and now he's in jail, but I suppose a jail in The Hague is probably nicer than the average Russian house, it even has a toilet

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They have no elite, they are just random folk who surround him and still travel abroad with their private jets and what not.
Poo tin will do **** if he loses Crimea or any other region to make a grey zone such as Rostov on Don or Voronezh.
US and Chiiina does not want ruZZia to lose and collapse. US will drip feed the war and Chiiina will use the recourses and feed ruZZkies with supplies.
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This would be a waste of time, no one would arrive

As much **** talking as right wing Americans do, they will never put their money where their mouth is and go live in Russia.

There has been countless recent opportunities for Russian shills in the West to make the switch and I've still not seen a single one do it. Most recently Gonzalo Lira had the opportunity to go to Russia but instead said no thanks and tries to seek asylum in Europe instead which didn't work out the way he hoped and now he's in jail, but I suppose a jail in The Hague is probably nicer than the average Russian house, it even has a toilet

Considering how many ruZZkies live in US(2.9 million). You can count on one hand how many Americans live in ruZZia. I watched some dude who served in US military and was in Afghanistan and moved to live somewhere in Siberia. I mean if he wanted to live far from people could have moved to North Dakota or Alaska. BTW he lived of his military pension...
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Mega cope cage gang
While the "cope cage" memes can be quite comical, as this is a serious thread it should be noted that the cages aren't there to stop Javelins or NLAWs, they're there to defend against Soviet RPGs and they are highly effective at it.

Russia learned from their failures in Chechnya, Armenia's failings against Azerbaijan and even the USA's failings in Afghanistan. All of those conflicts showed that when fired from elevation the RPG-7 and it's derivatives are super effective against tank turrets.

At the start of the war their tankers started making their own as their effectiveness was known to them but it wasn't known just how effective they would be. They spread like wildfire among tankers because it turned out they offered a ~50-60% increase in protection against the majority of the anti tank weapons they were likely to face (despite the amount of NLAWs/Javelins that have been sent to Ukraine the overwhelming majority of their anti-tank weapons are Soviet era RPGs).

After that they started putting them on everything, even stuff that would potentially still be destroyed or disabled by the reduced hit anyway.

It's similar to how Ukraine are plastering comical levels of surplus ERA blocks on everything. Looks stupid but it does work.
While the "cope cage" memes can be quite comical, as this is a serious thread it should be noted that the cages aren't there to stop Javelins or NLAWs, they're there to defend against Soviet RPGs and they are highly effective at it.

Russia learned from their failures in Chechnya, Armenia's failings against Azerbaijan and even the USA's failings in Afghanistan. All of those conflicts showed that when fired from elevation the RPG-7 and it's derivatives are super effective against tank turrets.

At the start of the war their tankers started making their own as their effectiveness was known to them but it wasn't known just how effective they would be. They spread like wildfire among tankers because it turned out they offered a ~50-60% increase in protection against the majority of the anti tank weapons they were likely to face (despite the amount of NLAWs/Javelins that have been sent to Ukraine the overwhelming majority of their anti-tank weapons are Soviet era RPGs).

After that they started putting them on everything, even stuff that would potentially still be destroyed or disabled by the reduced hit anyway.

It's similar to how Ukraine are plastering comical levels of surplus ERA blocks on everything. Looks stupid but it does work.

RPGs? Then why are the cages on the roof and not the side. Since when do RPGs come from the top in an open field? I agree the cages aren't great against western anti tank rockets but I think the cages are now more for drone protection
Russia learned from their failures in Chechnya, Armenia's failings against Azerbaijan and even the USA's failings in Afghanistan. All of those conflicts showed that when fired from elevation the RPG-7 and it's derivatives are super effective against tank turrets.
RPGs? Then why are the cages on the roof and not the side.
Fired from elevation means that the person with the RPG is above the tank. Obviously they don't help on flat open ground, but in urban areas and the large portions of Ukraine that aren't flat they have been highly effective, and removing/refitting the armour only when it's actually needed would be a logistical nightmare for any military let alone one that's shown itself to have Hermes levels of logistical skills :P

I would guess they didn't add any to the side as they determined the tanks have enough protection there already but as I said they know from Chechnya and the Armenian/Azerbaijan conflict that T series tank roofs are highly vulnerable to Soviet RPGs, Hell they know from Afghanistan that Abram's roofs are vulnerable to Soviet RPGs.

So yeah while it's become highly comical to meme on Russia for their widespread use of slat/spaced armour to protect their tanks (and other vehicles) roofs even though it doesn't work against Javelins/NLAWs, it is actually super effective, just not against weapons it's not there to defend against. To put it in perspective, the USSR made over 9,000,000 RPG-7 units and millions of units of it's successor models. Russia was the largest recipient of these weapons, Ukraine was the second.
Russians are now banned from buying foreign currency

Due to the poor performance of the Ruble currency, in an attempt to prevent further landslide erosion of the ruble's value, the Russian central bank has shut down domestic foreign exchange services to stop people buying foreign currency

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There have been so many smoking accidents in Russia reported on the news that it feels like it's just a common issue. And while it probably was before the war, the stats show that there has been a massive increase since the war started

Top chart shows number of explosions in mainland Russia (so this excludes occupied territory like Crimea etc). Bottom graph shows number of people killed in the explosions

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