Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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You would be surprised, on my footy forum I'd say it's at least a 50/50 split , all the pro Putin mob are in the tin foil hat, hate the west/ love communism, climate change is a hoax brigade.

They genuinely believe they are fighting Nazis, always funny when you show them some Hitler/Stalin love and they don't know how to reply, that and zelensky is Jewish...

Russia has never been Communist ; however thats for a different thread
I don't know anyone who openly supports Russia. But there's plenty that seem to follow every bit of nonsense conspiracy they read about on social media whom I'm sure are convinced it's all a hoax and that our tax dollas are being wasted (not that they appear to have ever contributed to the pot).
Well, they waved the flag and pretended, that's what they all do really.

Isn't that what all Communist countries do though, pretend to be communist? Corruption/greed will always be the downfall of communism. It's a'nice idea' that in practice always totally fails, because people are people and always want more.
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Well, they waved the flag and pretended, that's what they all do really.

Isn't that what all Communist countries do though, pretend to be communist? Corruption/greed will always be the downfall of communism. It's a'nice idea' that in practice always totally fails, because people are people and always want more.

Can same the same for the West - only 1 true communist `state` has existed, it was in Northern Greece at the end of WW2 , and Churchill bombed them into oblivion.
Send the m26 cluster bomb rockets for HIMARS as well. There is a huge Cold War stockpile of them, 396 thousand m26 cluster rockets were built, and they are just waiting to be destroyed

Ah so we're going full out for cluster weapon use now? Nice.

Going to be hilarious with both sides removing red lines as quickly as possible. Next conflicts are just going to be complete free for all. Wouldn't be surprised armament companies haven't already opened up new R&D divisions knowing that basically anything will end up being fine.
Ah so we're going full out for cluster weapon use now? Nice.

Going to be hilarious with both sides removing red lines as quickly as possible. Next conflicts are just going to be complete free for all. Wouldn't be surprised armament companies haven't already opened up new R&D divisions knowing that basically anything will end up being fine.

Uhh this **** again
Ah so we're going full out for cluster weapon use now? Nice.

Going to be hilarious with both sides removing red lines as quickly as possible. Next conflicts are just going to be complete free for all. Wouldn't be surprised armament companies haven't already opened up new R&D divisions knowing that basically anything will end up being fine.

because the last 18 months has been a love in? Russia invased Ukraine, this is a war.
Uhh this **** again

Really? You will say the same **** for all methods employed?

because the last 18 months has been a love in? Russia invased Ukraine, this is a war.

War or conflict? What difference does it make? It's people killing people.

Russia have been using cluster munitions and vacuum bombs since the start. Just because Ukraine started returning the favour doesn't mean what you think it means.

Russia are morally bankrupt a$$holes that we shouldn't try and emulate. Just because bad people do things doesn't mean we should follow suit.
I'm still personally struggling to say the use of cluster munitions is fine tbh, because we (as a country) have signed the treaty banning their use.

The arguments of :
Its a war
Ukraine is fighting for it's existence
They are very effective in this scenario

Don't really wash with me, as we knew all those things about cluster munitions and when they get used and we still signed the treaty, so the cons must outweigh the pro's.

The only thing I can vaguely rationalise it with is it's Ukraine asking to use them on it's own soil, so that's their choice. Yes, it probably sentences a number of future civilians to death or injury, but that's no different to what Russia is doing to their citizens intentionally now.
Communism is a 'nice idea' that in practice always totally fails
If it fails totally on its own, all effort and resources put into cold war were completely unnecessary waste
There is no need to blockade or sanction Cuba and North Korea.
And definitely no need to keep up the anticommunist propaganda and lies 30 years after fall of USSR.

Communism is an existential threat to capitalists (who btw don't even know the meaning of words greed and corruption). Thats why they won't let off
I'm still personally struggling to say the use of cluster munitions is fine tbh, because we (as a country) have signed the treaty banning their use.

The arguments of :
Its a war
Ukraine is fighting for it's existence
They are very effective in this scenario

Don't really wash with me, as we knew all those things about cluster munitions and when they get used and we still signed the treaty, so the cons must outweigh the pro's.

The only thing I can vaguely rationalise it with is it's Ukraine asking to use them on it's own soil, so that's their choice. Yes, it probably sentences a number of future civilians to death or injury, but that's no different to what Russia is doing to their citizens intentionally now.

I would add a couple of more reasons to your list.

1) Russia is using them anyway, so the main reason against them is some don't explode, are left on the ground and might get picked up by a civilian years later. Since Russia is using them anyway, that's going to be the case in Ukraine regardless of whether Ukraine themselves use them. Add to that that Ukraine are using western ones with a very low failure rate (so not many left unexploded) whereas the Russian ones are junk so leave up to a third of the bomblets on the ground unexploded.

2) Ukraine, unlike Russia, is only using them out in the open and not in towns and cities, which lessens the impact of unexploded bomblets.

When you weigh it all up, it seems like a pretty easy decision to me. Yes, some civilians will likely be killed or injured by Ukraine's western supplied cluster munitions. But, they help Ukraine to win the war, and whilst the war goes on, Russia, through a combination of not giving a **** or in some cases intentionally, is killing thousands of civilians.

Bear in mind also, that we signed the treaty safe in the knowledge that we're unlikely to ever have to fight a conventional war for our very existence, so you can't then just say the moral arguments that compelled us to sign it automatically should apply to our opinion of Ukraine using them.
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