Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Whilst I don't think the US is doing itself any favours with it's current constitutional nightmares - Trump did have a point (despite his ham fisted attempt to convey a message clearly).

I'm very glad he's not in power now. But NATO members need to all be contibuting their agreed share towards defence spending - not just to rely on USA as their security blanket.

Just looking at this - can't say he wasn't right about Germany. 1.3%.

Take away pensions etc and the nukes in the MoD budget and I bet we ain't that far behind.

NATO is effectively done. The US clearly cannot be trusted on anything. Not much point having an alliance with a country that could turn on you everytime an election occurs.
Europe needs to protect itself, but even within Europe there are too many divisions for that to happen effectively.

Although I don't think NATO is done it is a concern how quickly the America First political movement that mirrors the movement of the same name from the 1930s and early 1940s has risen. They didn't want to ally with the UK, France and our allies but either to stay out of it or ally with Nazi Germany. Now we have its current US leader wanting to leave its allies. Congress acted but if elections go the wrong way it could just as easily reverse that legislation.
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Something a bit smaller in 7.62mm mounted on the back of a armoured vehicle or a 6 wheeler to act as convoy protection or deployable off a trailer similar to the old rapier system

A hot .2xx round is flatter trajectory and generally faster to target and you don't really need the energy of 7.62mm against drones. It should be perfectly possible in this day and age to scale a system like used for C-RAM down to about dustbin sized for counter-drone work out to about 2 miles or so.

One potential issue with that is where stray rounds come down, the bigger 30-40mm rounds generally are fused to self-destruct in this application.
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Alternatively, you dont need hardkill capability to neutralise drones. Its always going to be an uphill battle to stay ahead of the curve. However, we already have ways and means to neutralise the threat, and we are in constant development of new and emerging anti-drone and EW capabilities, we are not blind to whats happening and the way warfare is going. Trust me when I say we are not "very far behind" in the Technology. In fact we (And the West) are probably at the forefront. We may not have production to scale for immediate deployment, however the capability exists to deal with/neutralise the threat. The issue is, as always, when do you stop developing and start producing? Its something I have seen SOOOO much in the trials and development side of things. We spend so much time chasing the new and emerging technologies and capabilities and it takes so much damn time to just settle on an end product to get it over the line and put it into production.

If you are referencing the houthi drones, you have to remember they are firing at LONG distances to eliminate these drones to protect other vessels. They are not locally defending their own ship. They have point defence weapons like the Phalanx CWIS for that. Much cheaper than firing missiles.

Hard kill is always best, from my experiance and its what the military will demand.
EW systems can be by-passed/protected against, a bullet is harder to stop in a small drone.
Hard kill is always best, from my experiance and its what the military will demand.
EW systems can be by-passed/protected against, a bullet is harder to stop in a small drone.
Oh absolutely but my point is we are working the solution from more than just one perspective and that we are in fact not very far behind at all. Its actually quite exciting some of the technology and equipment that is in the pipeline.

This is just one of the recent developments
Oh absolutely but my point is we are working the solution from more than just one perspective and that we are in fact not very far behind at all. Its actually quite exciting some of the technology and equipment that is in the pipeline.

This is just one of the recent developments

Drones at any distance need motion prediction which it doesn't sound like those sights provide, though useful for close range stuff which might be equipped with anti-personnel devices, but you've also got the loitering ones used to monitor movement and correct fire to worry about which can be sitting at even 2-3 miles with modern optics.
I'd like to see us purchase the Skyranger 30/35 boxer mission module. Not heard any rumblings as yet, though I'd be very surprised if it hasnt popped up in conversations at higher levels.
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I wish we could unleash the full power of NATO on Putin. NATO could eat China for breakfast and wipe its mouth with Russia.

Would you be included, or would it be other people doing the fighting? I wonder why people so keen for a war with Russia haven't gotten themselves over to Ukraine, I'm certain they'd have a spot for you in the trenches.
The forces news video really does show the Russian mind set, they wont let go of 1 mm of land even when it befits them. This is at the tail end of the Russian supply network and the ground allows Ukraine to rain hell down on them. If they pulled back they could force Ukraine to make some difficult choices, if they tried to push out they would loss their high ground advantage and the need to supply an attacking force over the Dnipro could really stretch Ukraine.
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