Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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You may not be looking forwards to it, but its going to come.
We may heavily sensitise our version in the West, but I am afraid you can basically guarantee the "bad guys" will take and do everything they can.

Bear in mind one of the bad guys here is Russia, who will happily use cluster munitions on a supermarket.
Do you think they would NOT have hunter killers in effect if they could?

War has always evolved and is usually won by the one willing to do most bad stuff to the enemy.
At least you can say combatants have a chance, they are in an expected bad place.
Not so much for the civilians caught up. I mean here now in Ukraine, but also in history.
On par with one of my ramblings for sure :p

I dunno what to say. Yes, total war is ******* ****. I don't wanna go back over cluster bombs. It's been done to death.
Couldn't agree more. Dunno what else to add...

Shame it evolved to this. 2 armies squaring off on a field was better for sure.
Invested in this?

You mean stopping Russia winning because the long term impact of that is very bad for all of Europe?

Then yes I am, you should probably be as well. If you're not concerned, then why are you here?

There is a lot at stake in this conflict. Russia need to be sent home without anything worth calling a victory.

I don't think anyone disagrees with this.

That doesn't mean we can't have a discussion on how **** war is for almost everyone involved.
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. Propaganda will make Brits ( any enemy) sub human if China wants its people to think it's .

It's the oldest, first step in warfare, dehumanise your enemy so you're just killing animals, orks, fascist pigs, gooks, commies...

Let's not forget Russian troops and Russia itself and it's population have dehumanised themselves with no western propaganda required.
I don't think anyone disagrees with this.

That doesn't mean we can't have a discussion on how **** war is for almost everyone involved.

You can, but I don't think anyone is running around pretending it's not?

Not sure what purpose that serves, a lot of us posting here have been through all of this many times over, you don't seem to frequent this thread so it may be new to you for discussing that type of thing, but it's not new to most of us.

If you polled people here I think vast majority would tick the war is terrible box.
Just saw "another" unedited twitter clip of a drone operator dropping grenades on a wounded russian.

4 grenade drops each one very well placed, through obvious experience and skill, but 4 all on the same guy.... By the end his legs are swiss cheese, one "to the face" which makes fine viewing and a couple more to the general "body"

Yes the russians are the enemy. No they probably will do the same, yes it's war but... Yes I say this once a month......

This **** is torture. Inhuman, you wouldn't do this to a dog. If this is the future then I need to start building up some hatred but after 40+ years of trying my best to be civil I'm not going to make the grade as a soldier.

War is hell. Soldier will keep firing into the body of a solider to make sure they are dead, a dead solider is no threat and a dead or almost dead solider after 4 grenades is no threat to Ukrainian soldiers in the future. I would also imagine they don't want to bring any ordinance back with them from a safety pov so if there are no other targets in battery range then it has to be dropped somewhere.

All these drones have done is show us all just how barbaric war is. No you wouldn't do it to a dog (though many would as humans can be ******* horrible to animals for fun) but that dog isn't invading your country.
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You can, but I don't think anyone is running around pretending it's not?

Not sure what purpose that serves, a lot of us posting here have been through all of this many times over, you don't seem to frequent this thread so it may be new to you for discussing that type of thing, but it's not new to most of us.

If you polled people here I think vast majority would tick the war is terrible box.

I've been reading the thread since it was started, haven't posted in it much though... Wonder why that is? :p
I've been reading the thread since it was started, haven't posted in it much though... Wonder why that is? :p

Well if you have no idea why you haven't posted much I am not sure what hope the rest of us have of answering your question, to be openly honest. ;)

But based on today I think I speak for many in thanking you for not posting much previously. :D
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Well if you have no idea why you haven't posted much I am not sure what hope the rest of us have of answering your question, to be openly honest. ;)

But based on today I think I speak for many in thanking you for not posting much previously. :D

Well I was hoping the self appointed thread police would tell me, since they seem so intent on telling everyone what to think about everything else :p
Kinda agree with some of the multiple drops being unnecessary. Both from a basic empathy pov (I'd probably feel different if I was from Ukraine) but also a practical stand point. Same with the hits on medivacs. Right now the Russians are dying in droves. I bet on these meat grinding assaults the numbers of kia exceed that of wia. Partly due to crappy medical care, partly the wia in being finished off and partly they're just left to bleed out sometimes.
If you increase the numbers of wia, most of those people who've gotten a body full of shrapnel are going to take months to recover along with taking resources to fix before they can come back, if ever. Those that lose limbs will take resources to patch up and won't be coming back. What they will be is very clear visual representations to the Russian people in their villages, towns, cities of the lies and nonsense they're being fed by the Kremlin. The Russian military will also need to up it's emphasis on collecting their wounded and fixing them up by an order of magnitude, otherwise the telegram videos of their sons bleeding out when they could have been saved would again cause an uproar, you'd hope.
Of course it could be the Ukrainians have done their calculus and come to a different, more informed opinion?! Wonder if the 'drop bombs till they're very dead' is a military policy or just up to the operator.

TL;DR injure more, cost Russia more money and make it's people mad at leaders.

My understanding of the rules with medivacs is the medical staff have to be clearly marked as such and be non combatants, so no weapons. Otherwise they are fair game, maybe not the poor person on the stretch but the people carrying him are. Then the enemy has 3 or 4 injured to deal with rather than 1. War is hell and Russia is making this war happen.
I wouldn't start mobilization of light industry to build drones id start digging nuclear fallout bunkers. That's all the UK would need in a future war.

I think very few Brits would fancy life in a bunker cowering from an evil little man.

We definitely do need to start upping our military spending along with increased sanctions on Russians and nations supporting Russia. We needed to before Vladolf decided to go full retard and now with the world facing threats from Russia until at least 2036 it’s probably time for all sensible nations to get its own, along with its allies defence and deterrent capabilities in order.
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It’s always funny reading people with no combat experience debating on the rights and wrongs of warfare.

How is a drone dropped munition different from targeting an area with a mortar or grenade launcher? Bar the accuracy.

If a combatant can move then he can fight, lots of dead soldiers out there that fought with morals or honour.

War is organised murder, it’s about killing the other guy before he can kill you.

Oh and the war crime of targeting medical staff, is only if they are clearly labelled as such. (Point of thought Russia never signed up for the latest round of laws)
So troops carrying other injured troops are a legitimate target, it’s why we switched from the 7.62mm to the 5.56mm, one is more likely to kill whilst the other is likely to incapacitate dragging more targets into a kill zone.

Drones are an effective counter infantry and armour weapon, with beyond the horizon capability, the west is very far behind in this technology and defences against it.
Plus the moral destruction caused by it is amazing.

Don’t bring civilian mentality into total warfare, you need to be the bigger ******* to win. Ukraine should be targeting the Russian infrastructure (substations, gas infrastructure and water) let the Russian public freeze and put pressure on putins dictatorship
TL;DR injure more, cost Russia more money and make it's people mad at leaders.
You honestly think Russia spends large somes of cash on soldier wellbeing and healthcare? A couple of band aids and a few days in hospital and Pavel gets sent back to the frontline. If it's very serious then maybe an amputation and he might get sent back home.

A lot of injured Russians are just left in their bunkers to die, if their brainwashed they end up taking their own life's because they were told the Ukrainians will torture them. If thier not they stay put and hope to get picked up by the Ukrainians.
Drones are an effective counter infantry and armour weapon, with beyond the horizon capability, the west is very far behind in this technology and defences against it.
Plus the moral destruction caused by it is amazing.

You are aware the Queen Elisabeth aircraft carrier radar was developed with drones, in the thousands, as small as tennis balls in mind? That's been a long time in R&D.

Yes accurate weapons are demoralising - they's why the west use them as the ROI is high (cruise missiles were the first long distance drones used for over 20 years). Russia started the war with the artillery obliteration but soon found that its lost its effectiveness as a standalone tool.

So I don't think your spin has a particularly valid point.
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Lol, what?
To be honest I agree with him. This war is evolving really fast - from dropping vog’s(syrian war trick) to flying thousands of fpv up to 20km deep.
If certain system not proven in Ukraine nowadays it’s only good on paper. Germans know.
Nato countries have massive advantage over folks wearing flip-flops, but without air superiority I would like to see their counter-offensive in the south.

Yeah, forgot to add the cost. Western countries tend to make everything high quality, complicated and expensive, but with both sides possessing nukes modern war became a mix of ww1 and ww2. Need cheap, effective solutions in enormous quantities.
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