Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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but deliberately targeting a downed enemy is not right and the Geneva convention agrees with me
No it does not, hence why finishing off wounded enemies is not a war crime.

If they are in a van with a red cross on the side headed off the battlefield that's different, if they are waving a white flag or screaming their surrender that is different, but killing an active enemy combatant even though they are injured is perfectly acceptable in every countries rules of engagement and always has been.

Have some people here never seen a war film or heard any war stories? History is littered with instances of soldiers who are wounded (sometimes mortally) continuing to fight and even achieving battle turning results. That's why if they're not surrendering/or being medevac'd you keep shooting until they stop moving.
It's a mercy in comparison to what the Russians are likely to do them either by running them over with a vehicle, bombing them with their own weapons or if they're really lucky get a chance to have all their limbs chopped off because the Russians especially early on in the war have minimal concept of medivac or the last century of battlefield medicine.
This is actually a pretty good point.

If I was lying in a muddy ditch bleeding to death and knew my future only consisted of long drawn out extreme pain that had a minute chance of ending in being retrieved and subjected to Victorian levels of battlefield surgery which I would most likely not survive anyway I would want the whole ordeal to be over ASAP.
Apart from the guy @4:05 the rest of are the typical brainwashed zombies and surfs types. Sooner or latter their crappy little world is going to come crashing down around them and they won't know the real reason why. Dear leader will either be arrested or turn up dead so good luck filming one of those pathetic videos begging Putin for for help because the local supermarket has run out of food.

More likely they'll get back home and then wake up on the Ukrainian front line.
No it does not, hence why finishing off wounded enemies is not a war crime.

If they are in a van with a red cross on the side headed off the battlefield that's different, if they are waving a white flag or screaming their surrender that is different, but killing an active enemy combatant even though they are injured is perfectly acceptable in every countries rules of engagement and always has been.

Have some people here never seen a war film or heard any war stories? History is littered with instances of soldiers who are wounded (sometimes mortally) continuing to fight and even achieving battle turning results. That's why if they're not surrendering/or being medevac'd you keep shooting until they stop moving.

In war only headshots/clean kills are allowed. The moment NATO forces hit an enemy soldier, a referee blows a whistle and issues a yellow card. Hit them a second time once they are already injured and it's a red card and an early bath.
If someone is lying injured and unable to fight, you don't kill them at all.

Artillery and bombing is obviously fair game, some injured soldiers will be caught in that also, but deliberately targeting a downed enemy is not right and the Geneva convention agrees with me, I'll take that over the opinions of the more tribal and bloodthirsty portion of this forum.

Russian war doctrines are very different to that of a modern force. Casevac, battlefield retrieval just isn’t a thing.

The specs aren't great, only 40 minute flight time
Is it true that one injured soldier used to take two others out of the fight? So the more injured the less active the army at that point.

Likewise, I have seen so many armoured vehicles, some just abandoned blown up by drone grenade drops, with no attempt by Ukraine to capture them?
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Is it true that one injured soldier used to take two others out of the fight? So the more injured the less active the army at that point.

It's far more than two to be blunt, you immediately take out a least 2-3 people to deal with the casualty and get an evac sorted, then there's the battlefield ambulance crew (air or land) who get the casualty away from the front line, then there's the medics at the nearest aid station just behind the front line (a bit like A&E), then there's the medics at the field hospital (or civilian one), then there's the rehab folks all for each wounded.

For the dead its far less people involved with far less urgency required as the news of the death is more more important to get passed to the family than the body itself. Obviously that peer-peer stuff, against the Taliban etc people went over and above to ensure a body wasn't left behind, even at substantial risk to everyone else around.
Don't worry guys as Trump going put an end to this war very quickly as he going sort it out with his two mates Putin & Zelenskyy that he knows very well :cry:

Trump's statement regarding end of war in Ukraine

"The Ukraine situation is so horrible... And we are going to get it solved very fast," he said.

"Putin and I get along fine. We get along very well. That's a good thing, not a bad thing," he assured.

"I know President Putin very well, I know Zelenskyy very well, I am going to get him and we are gonna get it solved very quickly. This (war - editor's note) should have never happened," Trump added.
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