But they’re already being used outside of Russia, or does this mean in the rest of Ukraine?
I would assume, only into the sepratist held areas. In effect legitimising those areas already held by "sepratists" or just actually Russians.
The worry, and probably deliberate confusion, is whether he stops in these areas or goes for the whole of these two Oblasts. Then, whether he goes for the whole of Ukraine.
If he stops at the already held areas, I believe they should be left to sort it out themselves. If he moves into the whole of Donesk and Luhansk then cut Russia off from SWIFT and cut off NS1.
If he moves on whole of Ukraine, that should be the West red line and we put boots on the ground.
Personally, I say Putin should be allowed to have those regions and the West offer support financially and resources to move Ukrainians out of those areas. Ukraine is then allowed to seek further and stronger ties with the west. That region would effectively become the EU/Russia buffer zone or DMZ.
Or, something I read on Kyiv Post website. Russia gives back these held areas in return for promise the Ukraine never join NATO - BUT - is allowed to build a stronger relationship with the west and everyone sign up to it. So effectively everything is allowed for Ukraine except NATO.