Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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So Lenin gets the blame from Putin but not Stalin, Kruschev, Andropov et al for perpetuating the ****show over the last hundred years.

From what I recall Stalin was painted negatively as well, in fact all bolsheviks in his speech were painted as incompetent.
Russian parliament has approved Putins 'request' for Russian forces to be used outside Russia, so that'll be full on invasion then...
Ukraine needs to request peacekeeping operation from NATO, foreign armies have to go into Ukraine immediately. Underline that any entry beyond separatist sector means war against NATO. Publicly shame mental state of V. Putin in media and make a public appeal to encourage Russian people and Russian forces to act against their leader.

UN peacekeepers maybe, NATO would be tantamount to a declaration of war as far as Russia is concerned
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