Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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trump had putin, china and north korea on side

he kept them happy and prevented anything happening, hes the only one to ever do that

russia 100% would not be in ukraine right now
Please explain to me how Trump had China "on side", when it was Trump that started the trade war with China and the whole anti China rhetoric? What have you been doing for the last 5 years to come away with that absurd point of view? I was in Hanoi, Vietnam at the same time as Trump and Kim Jong Un when they met (Trump's cavalcade drove right past me) and remember thinking at the time "well done Trump", but what came of that? Absolutely sod all.

You would have been better off only arguing that Trump would have kept Putin "on side" as Trump's tongue was no longer pink with all the lovely things he said about Putin. Though if you think that would have stopped Putin then you have no notion of how he thinks and operates.

Putin isn't mad or mental as some here like to think of him, he is ruthless. If you want to see why Trump would have had no effect on stopping Putin going into Ukraine then watch this documentary that @CAT-THE-FIFTH linked earlier.

Trumps back on form you cant argue with his ability to speak facts

only president of 21st century to stop russia invading other countries, hes just laid it down russia wouldnt of gone near ukraine on his watch

Hilarious nonsense. Trump didn't prevent Russia invading anyone.

Russia continued her occupation of Crimea and Donbas on Trump's watch, and made repeated incursions across the Ukrainian border. Trump didn't dare to say a single thing about it. Instead he crawled at Putin's feet and begged for his approval.

trump had putin, china and north korea on side

he kept them happy and prevented anything happening, hes the only one to ever do that

russia 100% would not be in ukraine right now

I lost several brain cells reading this.
Putin isn't mad or mental as some here like to think of him, he is ruthless. If you want to see why Trump would have had no effect on stopping Putin going into Ukraine then watch this documentary that @CAT-THE-FIFTH linked earlier.

Putin has always been ruthless when it came to it - but mad I'm not so sure any more - his rationale of the past seems to have gone completely out the window.
Being soft on them? he charged china billions of dollars to export its steel into america which it had never had to do before
Please read up on what the import tariffs Trump imposed were.

A hint in case you need it, is in the word "import", as in the customers in the US buying the steel were paying the tariff as an extra cost, not the Chinese.

But can we please get this back on track.
Being soft on them? he charged china billions of dollars to export its steel into america which it had never had to do before

Firstly, no. China wasn't paying the tariffs, Americans were.

Secondly, this was just worthless virtue signalling for his voter base. The tariffs hurt the US more than China., and didn't even win Trump a second term.
It's 50k+ ft in altitude, will take a pricey rocket to blow one up, for what benefit when it'll just get replaced
Mig 29/Su-35 max service altitude of 59'000 ft.
Mig 25 max service altitude of over 80'000ft

Lets not forget about the RQ-180 either. GlobalHawk's 'replacement' that's been in service for the last few years. And that's pretty much all we know about it. :D It's a bit secret.
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Mig 29/Su-35 max service altitude of 59'000 ft.
Mig 25 max service altitude of over 80'000ft

Lets not forget about the RQ-180 either. GlobalHawk's 'replacement' that's been in service for the last few years. And that's pretty much all we know about it. :D It's a bit secret.

Russia has a whole bunch of missiles which can do it, IIRC even the Pantsir IIRC one of the UAV optimised missiles just about has the altitude, of varying costs albeit some of them would lack the range rather than altitude to engage an RQ-4 at 50+K feet out in the Black Sea. Not to mention a range of aircraft with that capability.
Western intelligence has been on the ball through this it seems and the actions over last few days including significant economic and political attacks nevermind the full disclosure of continued military aid to Ukraine that will kill many Russian soldiers and equipment.

It does make you wonder if they have more intelligence on the internals of Putin and Russian government. Have they uncovered a significant weakness their as West appear to going for the throat of Putin's Russia, almost to point of backing him and his 'government' into a corner, which is very strange given the whole big red button scenario? Perhaps as we are seeing on the ground the actual Russian threat has not developed and perhaps even regressed to point of little to non-existence? They seem to be very light on rockets and effective hardware, it costs quite a bit of money to finance an army and keep it in good order never mind continued development, and no doubt so too are nukes.

You'd think Putin or Russian govenemrnt really need some sort of out here but we seem to keep squeezing and if they don't get the gains and 'win' in Ukraine soon, as it is not looking likely, they will have no where to go. That's a very dangerous position to put such a 'dangerous' country in unless there is evidence or Intel to the contrary. We might in fact be seeing the liberation of Russia through its own show of strength in fact laying bare its weakness for all to see.
Putin has always been ruthless when it came to it - but mad I'm not so sure any more - his rationale of the past seems to have gone completely out the window.
I understand where you are coming from and for us, with our heightened sense of fairness and decency it might seem 'mad' but I have spent nearly 20 years living and dealing with some of the Slavic mentality/modus operandi and it is not the same as ours.

Moreover, Putin has actually done quite a lot for the Russian people (while lining his pockets at the same time), especially early on when he massively reduced poverty. He see's what he is doing now as protecting the Russian people and their identity from the encroaching influence of the US/Europe/NATO etc. I suspect he wish he'd done more to stop the enlargement of NATO especially from the former Soviet countries. Though now, by any means he will try to stop it going any further under his watch.

Ukraine pandering to the West is seen ultimately as a betrayal of Russia. The people in Salisbury know first hand how Putin treats traitors. There is method to his apparent madness.
Good summary of the Russian operation so far:
Russian forces’ main axes of advance in the last 24 hours focused on Kyiv, northeastern Ukraine, and southern Ukraine. Russian airborne and special forces troops are engaged in urban warfare in northwestern Kyiv, but Russian mechanized forces are not yet in the capital. Russian forces from Crimea have changed their primary axes of advance from a presumed drive toward Odesa to focus on pushing north toward Zaporizhie and the southeastern bend of the Dnipro River and east along the Azov Sea coast toward Mariupol. These advances risk cutting off the large concentrations of Ukrainian forces still defending the former line of contact between unoccupied Ukraine and occupied Donbas. Ukrainian leaders may soon face the painful decision of ordering the withdrawal of those forces and the ceding of more of eastern Ukraine or allowing much of Ukraine’s uncommitted conventional combat power to be encircled and destroyed. There are no indications as yet of whether the Ukrainian government is considering this decision point.

Ukrainian resistance remains remarkably effective and Russian operations especially on the Kyiv axis have been poorly coordinated and executed, leading to significant Russian failures on that axis and at Kharkiv. Russian forces remain much larger and more capable than Ukraine’s conventional military, however, and Russian advances in southern Ukraine may threaten to unhinge the defense of Kyiv and northeastern Ukraine if they continue unchecked.

Key Takeaways

  • Russia has failed to encircle and isolate Kyiv with the combination of mechanized and airborne attacks as it had clearly planned to do. Russian forces are now engaging in more straightforward mechanized drives into the capital along a narrow front along the west bank of the Dnipro River and toward Kyiv from a broad front to the northeast.
  • Russian forces have temporarily abandoned failed efforts to seize Chernihiv and Kharkiv to the northeast and east of Kyiv and are bypassing those cities to continue their drive on Kyiv. Russian attacks against both cities appear to have been poorly designed and executed and to have encountered more determined and effective Ukrainian resistance than they expected.
  • Russian movements in eastern Ukraine remain primarily focused on pinning the large concentration of Ukrainian conventional forces arrayed along the former line of contact in the east, likely to prevent them from interfering with Russian drives on Kyiv and to facilitate their encirclement and destruction.
  • Russian forces coming north from Crimea halted their drive westward toward Odesa, and Ukrainian forces have retaken the critical city of Kherson. Some Russian troops remain west of the Dnipro River and are advancing on Mikolayiv, but the main axes of advance have shifted to the north and east toward Zaporizhie and Mariupol respectively.
  • Russian forces have taken the critical city of Berdyansk from the west, threatening to encircle Mariupol even as Russian forces based in occupied Donbas attack Mariupol from the east, likely to pin defenders in the city as they are encircled.
  • Russian successes in southern Ukraine are the most dangerous and threaten to unhinge Ukraine’s successful defenses and rearguard actions to the north and northeast.
  • Russian troops are facing growing morale and logistics issues, predictable consequences of the poor planning, coordination, and execution of attacks along Ukraine’s northern border.
Russia has surprisingly failed to gain air superiority or ground the Ukrainian air force after three days of fighting. The Ukrainian General Staff reported at 11am local time that Ukrainian aircraft conducted 34 sorties in the past 24 hours.[1] Ukrainian air defenses remained active as of 6am local time, with the Ukrainian General Staff stating a S-300 downed a Russian Su-25 fighter and an unspecified helicopter over Donbas early on February 26.[...]
[more in the link]
There is not a chance they'll take Kyiv by Monday while any kind of defence is still capable of being organised - they'd have to literally firebomb the city to the ground (or nuke it).

I don't like how quiet it is relatively speaking now - think it is something of a calm before the storm :s
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There is not a chance they'll take Kyiv by Monday while any kind of defence is still capable of being organised - they'd have to literally firebomb the city to the ground (or nuke it).

Yeah, if the Ukrainian forces drag the Russian army into urban combat in the city, I imagine it’ll severely limit the usefulness of artillery, armour and the like. I imagine the Russian forces don’t relish the idea of drawn out street fighting against the Ukrainian army + thousands of civilians with arms.

I suppose Putin could try to raze the city if he wanted, but if that happened - wtf would be the point? (Maybe he doesn’t even care)
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