Ultima Online - Europa ....anyone still there?

lame.... UO crashes when i try to log in using razor :\

lets see what the enhanced client is like :)
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So many memories from UO

"Vendor buy, bank, guards"
Getting Pk'ed
The notoriety system and stat loss
Corpse Runs
Lord British getting PK'ed
Drag mining
Ship mining
Dodgy security on housing
Pickpocketing a mages 'regs' rendering him defenceless
Getting killed by bunnies
Just standing round britannia bank... It was like a UO themed chat room

So many more...
memories indeed :)

remember going to the moonglow cotten fields and letting loose vorpal bunnies and trying to get them cornered so they would go down faster :p

used some of my rune stones to tp about the place... see what was there..... guild tower gone, my house has gone, quite a few i can;t tp because something is blocking the way :p
the joy of opening your first vendor on your house and it making sales.

making bizarre builds, i had a magic wielding fencer lol

farming liches and being so so scared for all my gear.

Great game, even better community back then, never been replicated for me, nothing even close.
Best game ever. Never found anything close. Gaming on a 56k modem, when 150ping was considered reasonable, although averaged more towards 190.

Free loot, free pvp, looting people's houses etc. Eventually it was all toned down :(.

I did some RP and pvp. Was a division master long ago in Grd, pvped in 6I6 factions and also did chaos/order as DJz. UO, how I miss thee.

Doubt there will be anything like that again.

No Eve doesn't count :D.

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The first and greatest MMO, really since then they have all gone downhill :)

I remember going from 56k 200 quid a month phone bills. To 512k ADSL and suddenly becoming a pvp Spear dexer god....

That game had genuine fear, panic and emotion.

Trying to get some money in the Lich Lord room and seeing a gate open full of Reds and blue healers.. utter panic... and at the bone wall too lol.... jeez :)

Corp por
Kal vas flam
Vas ort flam
Corp Por

OoOoo OOooo Oo oOoOoOoo !! !! as your stuff gets stolen lol

6i6 and DJs lol :) the mad grave yard fights when the server went down at 3am or whatever it was.....
Best MMO Ever, wow 1.0 (before everything was dumbed down) was the closest i ever came to enjoying another mmo since (and that was miles off)!

One of my best memories was logging into the game (in Minoc) to instantly get killed by a Lord Blackthorn attack on the town, had all my gear on me and took me ages to band together a few randoms to fight my way back to my corpse.

Was an epic evening!

I remember always wanting a ship but gave up before I got one.
The first and greatest MMO, really since then they have all gone downhill :)

Corp por
Kal vas flam
Vas ort flam
Corp Por

OoOoo OOooo Oo oOoOoOoo !! !! as your stuff gets stolen lol

6i6 and DJs lol :) the mad grave yard fights when the server went down at 3am or whatever it was.....

hahahaha oOooOOoOoOoOo to you too ;) love it
I used to get up early weekend mornings to go reg buying. Eventually I had over 60k of each reg.

An hour or so everyday after school would be spent killing liches for gold.

Getting my magic resistance to 100 via summoning demons and sitting on a boat. It felt like such an achievement to get that. That was when levelling skills took a long time. None of this 'level 60 in one week'.

I played on Defiance UO freeshard in 2004. That was fun.

Also came back briefly in 2005 to play the samurai expansion and join the samurai guild in Yew.
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ahhh lich lords, tough cookies they were! i remember going to the fire island i think which had that massive temple thing and killing dragons and drakes :D

also the dungeon through the cliffs north of brit :) they were always fun with the 3/4 levels it had i think, with the bottom floor being full or ogres and ogre lords on the island in the middle.... think i only went on that island once while they were dead... normally about 5 or 6 of the ******** on there. i remember just doing strafing runs on a single ogre lord... whittling his health down whilst trying to to get hit and bandage up like a trooper :p

also the enhanced client doesn't seem that bad, i like being able to move the UI and game screen about and zooming... that's pretty cool... tho i'm not so much a fan of the polished textures :\ i prefer the old school classic client graphics for players and the world.

i'm going to the i46 event in Telford and would be cool if anyone else was going or had it installed and subbed if we had a bit of a session over the bank holiday weekend :D

haha completely forgot about the ooOOoooOO OoooOOoOOoo .... that was genius xD wasn;t there a skill so that you could see what the dead were saying? oh the many runs from the brit grave yard to the healer and then back and trying to ninja loot your own body before a nasty ghoul or shade/spectra chased you down :P
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I almsot forgot treasure hunting lvl 5 cartography stuff.... that was mad PVE fun...i had a mate who could do it we just mopped up all the critters..

jeez that game had NOTHING to it at all but what the players made of it and it was really really really great....I think only SWG had the same feel to it as UO. Nothing to do but try and kill other people .. lol
I almsot forgot treasure hunting lvl 5 cartography stuff.... that was mad PVE fun...i had a mate who could do it we just mopped up all the critters..

jeez that game had NOTHING to it at all but what the players made of it and it was really really really great....I think only SWG had the same feel to it as UO. Nothing to do but try and kill other people .. lol

i wouldn't say nothing as there were actually quest lines in game from NPCs :p

but yea it was a rather open world "do what you will" game. but as you said, it's what you made of it. i remember going out on guild adventures and also having guild quests to rise up the guild ranks :)

spent a good few hours doing a quest to get my knighthood with my guild xD had to go alone (with one senior member to keep watch/an eye ;) ), the whole thing had to be done in silence. had to trek from one place to another, collect certain items, go on boat and navigate it to an island, and so on :D was great fun... tho a pain in the bum for the guy watching me as my net kept dropping out... and i had to break my silence as they forgot to give me the boat xD haha!!!!!

yea skills actually took ages to build up... think the fastest were focus (added in AoS) which was just passive and anatomy... just sat outside the bank spamming it on everyone to get it up till it started to grind.

had a look got 705 skill cap, i'm sure i had higher xD but got a good few 115, 110 and 105 skills :) and the magic at 32.8 or what ever it was... just enough to cast recall xD
also i dont think i ever saw a single hacker in the game.... seen people use exploits before they were patched out but never anything more than that.

i remember is you use a housing deed on leather it did something like a funky coloured scroll. my favorite though was being able to use basic HTML on rune books xD

could use <BR > to jump down lines and the <i ></i > tags so that you could get a simple rune boot to read stuff like:

artifact rarity 11
reduce reg cost 100%
reduce mana cost 50%
physical resist 20%

etc etc... so it would look like a kick ass item to someone but it was just a recall book xD ..... my mate made BILLIONS that way..... he was on the atlantic server i think and wrote me a cheque before and there were soooooo many zeros on it i couldn't count xD

also droping items on the floor but instantly grabbing them so beople would try and pick them up but fail... hehe xD

more about rune/recall books.... i remember players setting up libraries in their houses with books and books of runs to every place imaginable. all the dungeons, cities, banks, shrines, spawns, scenic locations... you name it there was a rune that could take you there :)

also those moments when casting a speel to safe your life and all you heard was that fizzle noise xD bain of my existence Kal Ort Por......"the spell fizzles" ooooOOoooOOooOooo .... :p
Vendor buy the bank some guards with a recdu recsu!!

Along with All Kill ;)

Also the real tangible fear when wandering around the wilds of the Lost Lands and suddenly seeing "Silver Serpent" flash up at the edge of the screen and frantically checking for cure potions :D

Trying to raid the Terathan or Ophidian strongholds, getting overwhelmed and then wondering how the hell you were going to get your stuff back!

Or just the frustration of running round the wilds in ghost form trying desperately to find a wandering healer XD

Shame AoS killed it, I started in T2A and loved it, thought 3D was pretty good too, but the fundamental changes made in AoS were just too much (my previously dragon slaughtering pack of bonded frenzied ostards suddenly became about as useful as a candy floss sword :()
Vendor buy the bank some guards with a recdu recsu!!

Along with All Kill ;)

my previously dragon slaughtering pack of bonded frenzied ostards suddenly became about as useful as a candy floss sword :()

haha ahhh yeaaa i remember those macros/ blocks of text xD

yea... was much better when it was all just resist as skills and a single armor rating.... then they added fire poison cold and energy resists to armor as well as the AR. things changed too much :(

tho i am rocking a set of valorite armor :D with some neon fire boots xD and my halberd with some crazy stats... which are probably rubbish now :(

i also remember making a tamer and just running about the grave yard with a horde of chickens, cats, dogs.... what ever i could tame haha.

i could never get the hang of using potions or the macros to throw/use them. bandages can fix everything and if they cant my horse will help me run away....... or i'll just die :p
haha completely forgot about the ooOOoooOO OoooOOoOOoo .... that was genius xD wasn;t there a skill so that you could see what the dead were saying?

There was indeed, it was called Spirit Speak, I actually GM'ed it just because it gave me the title Grandmaster Medium which used to amaze and confound people as to how I got that title lol
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