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Unigine Heaven 4 benchmark

One more update entry.

CPU upped to 4.6Ghz and a bit more on memory this time.

1270 Core (+250) and 3815 Memory (+316)

Cpu - i7 3770k @ Stock.

AMD 290X @ 1000/1250


And on the scoreboard.:)

Just noticed this on the scoreboard, three stock 290Xs on three different CPUs and yours is the best score on the 3770k

Score 1350, GPU 290X @1000/1250, CPU 3770k @3.9, Geeman1979
Score 1325, GPU 290X @1000/1250, CPU 4960X @4.5, MjFrosty
Score 1324, GPU 290X @1000/1250, CPU 4770k @4.5, VincentHanna
Each new Nvidia driver update my score goes down a tiny bit, at first it was 950 now its down to 912 .. its lost 3-7ish on the score per driver update. Is this a sign I need to clean up the old drivers and reinstall?
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