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Unigine Heaven 4 benchmark

Split my SLI Ti Classys and got this single GPU score.........

Broke 2000 just as "Geeman" predicted .

3960x @ 5.47 (SS). EK water cooled Ti Classy @ 1422 / 2125.

Is that on stock bios,surely not on stock volts?

Split my SLI Ti Classys and got this single GPU score.........

Broke 2000 just as "Geeman" predicted :) .

3960x @ 5.47 (SS). EK water cooled Ti Classy @ 1422 / 2125.


We approve.:D

Well done sir and top of the charts.:)
Awesome score newhit 81.5 / 2054 :D

I aint even gonna try and beat it... I admit defeat gracefully sir ;)

Looks like a single kingpin has got its work cut out the beat that score lol :p
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Awesome score newhit 81.5 / 2054 :D

I aint even gonna try and beat it... I admit defeat gracefully sir ;)

Looks like a single kingpin has got its work cut out the beat that score lol :p

No, I'm not sure about that............................:)

I've been tracking OC.net Classy thread plus getting a couple of answers in this noble forum about the fact that my Ti Classys are subject to the "greenlight" limit imposed by Nvidia. My Ti Classys cannot be set past 1.4v on the core even if I set 1.5v on the EVbot and have the "Skyn3t" bios loaded. Therefore, if the Kingpin gets the OK, and is free from this limit then form a queue at the designated area for said KPE. :eek:
I had to copy this from my other post in the "Firestrike" thread. Hope I'm not hogging threads but I think I should post this here after extolling the virtues of said Kingpin.

Could be changing my opinion..........................;)

I'm a bit curious as to what the actual binning process is for the Kingpin. I'm reading that the only guarantee is that the card must pass a clock of 1300mhz at 1.2v to be a kingpin card.

more info..........


That does not say that the dreaded greenlight is removed, the 1.4v limit that is.
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A bit lower than my highest score of 66.7fps any higher on the clock and I get artifacts adding any more voltage through Evga precision doesn't seem to work either. This 1.2MV voltage and 106% power limit really is a pain in the *** :(
A bit lower on my highest score of 66.7 fps this 1.2 MV and 106% power target is a pain in the ***! :( i5-750 still doing me well there! ;)
Maximum BOOST of 1214mhz but normally stays around the 1209mhz and a memory OC of 7.9GHZ!
i5-750 4.2ghz
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