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Unigine Heaven 4 benchmark

Want to get this logged in before the Classy Ti / Kingpin officionados start benching :D .

Broke 3800 with my 3960X at 5.47 and SLI Ti Classys at 1346 / 2114 using the EVbot (core 1.5v or 1.394v, mem 1.80v, PCIe 1.178v, OCP @ xt :eek: ).

This is with watercooling using EK Classy blox..........I'm not advertising, and apologies to the regulars, just stating that this is NOT on air.

That's my limit I think unless...........RIVE-BE + 4930? :)

"MjFrosty"..........no drop-offs.........maybe my Classys were actually more stable this time, without any twitches during the bench to interfere with the FPS?

Nice score.:)

Scoreboard updated.:)
Gregster mate... really thought I had you beat... ;)

I'll Be Back lol :D

CPU 2600k @ 4.3
x1 780 Ti Classified @ 1300/1950mhz - stock volts/bios.

Clocked this one this morning, wasn't going to post it and go for higher but going to wait for now :) Puts me up a spot (sorry Neil ;))

Can't remember clocks exactly but would have been roughly

1140mhz base - 1290Mhz boost and 3900 mem

780Ti Ref (water)

4960X @ 4.7 (water)


Win 8.1

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Worse than titans so far. Able to push some more?

Four 290Xs are a little bit faster than four Titans, unfortunately on air they get quite hot and konk out about 3/4 the way round lol.

The other little problem I have got is four 290Xs beat the living daylights out of my poor 3970X and it is very hard to get it to run once it gets warm. I think it is not such a good idea getting rid of the xfire bridges as it is this that I think is putting the extra strain on the CPU, using three cards is fine with the CPU but not four. I also think Mantle is going to make this even worse putting even more workload on the CPU when using multi GPU solutions.

I have a plan though, I will give my new 4930k a go in the setup and hope that IB-E is made of stronger stuff.:D
Single Ti Classy

Split my SLI Ti Classys and got this single GPU score.........

Broke 2000 just as "Geeman" predicted :) .

3960x @ 5.47 (SS). EK water cooled Ti Classy @ 1422 / 2125.

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