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Unigine Heaven 4 benchmark

28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
Cpu is still at stock but yeah ipc is king on heaven when it comes to cpu ive not finalised any clocks yet just done quick dirty oc on the gpu and yes its a 3090 fe. I'm really impressed with the cooler though Idle 30 and max is 52 so far I've seen

i could be hurting performance a bit then with a all core 4.7ghz, my chip at stock would boost just over 5ghz but would quickly drop back, that extra 300mhz could very well boost me more, but given the all core dropped back to 4ghz out of the box it may hurt the score even more



2 Apr 2015
i could be hurting performance a bit then with a all core 4.7ghz, my chip at stock would boost just over 5ghz but would quickly drop back, that extra 300mhz could very well boost me more, but given the all core dropped back to 4ghz out of the box it may hurt the score even more

I tried a manual ocuk of 4.5 all core and got worst score then letting it sort its self, just download ryzen master and do the auto oc that boosted it a fraction for me
28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
I tried a manual ocuk of 4.5 all core and got worst score then letting it sort its self, just download ryzen master and do the auto oc that boosted it a fraction for me

true but like 2nd gen ryzen the auto volts seem to high, i've got a manual core voltage of 1.2975v at 4.7ghz all core, yes it still runs warm but its better than what auto was (1.45v) and nothing worked my system just overheated and shutdown :(

to be clear 1.2975v isnt 100% stable but i'm trying to dial in the least volts i can, i'm, very close though.
Last edited:
8 Sep 2020
1080p Settings

[email protected]
Asus Rog Strix 3090 Oc , +146core , +600 memory

8 Sep 2020
lol toe to toe with a 10900k i'll take that :) @Jay-G25 what ram you rocking bud, i have ripped 3600mhz team group kits 4x8gb

Yeah great CPU the new AMD range they are doing some very impressive numbers :D

Ram wise sound like we are using very similar kits .. mine is the 8pack 3600mhz stuff ( https://www.overclockers.co.uk/team...00c16-3600mhz-dual-channel-kit-my-002-8p.html ) but have increased frequency to 4000Mhz along with a bump in dram voltage to make it stable ( 1.35v to 1.45v ) Timings are stock at 16-16-16-38. 32gb total using 2 16gb sticks :)
28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
Yeah great CPU the new AMD range they are doing some very impressive numbers :D

Ram wise sound like we are using very similar kits .. mine is the 8pack 3600mhz stuff ( https://www.overclockers.co.uk/team...00c16-3600mhz-dual-channel-kit-my-002-8p.html ) but have increased frequency to 4000Mhz along with a bump in dram voltage to make it stable ( 1.35v to 1.45v ) Timings are stock at 16-16-16-38. 32gb total using 2 16gb sticks :)

i tried 4000mhz on my ram but i think because of the early bios it wouldn't post let alone boot and i may struggle anyway as i have 4 sticks which are very hard to oc vs dual channel

i run the following 2 sets for a total of 32gb

8 Sep 2020
i tried 4000mhz on my ram but i think because of the early bios it wouldn't post let alone boot and i may struggle anyway as i have 4 sticks which are very hard to oc vs dual channel

i run the following 2 sets for a total of 32gb


Nice tight timings on that kit ... may need to be loosen a tiny bit if pushing for 4000mhz + , from what i gather the 4 sticks will defiantly be holding back the ability to oc the ram to high levels , afaik dual sticks are best for that ... could try just 2 sticks temporarily on yours and see how far you can get them ?
8 Sep 2020
dam i'd love to push my card more my ram on the back of my fe gets so hot i'm scared it will catch fire +600 is as fast as i will go on air :(

Your not alone :( This is literally the max limit i can take my vram to in all benchmarks apart from the new Raytracing bench on 3dmark and i put that down to being static images pretty much so allows it to go a little higher.. if i push the vram any higher say +670 it will black screen then crash and reset the pc:rolleyes: I defiantly didn't win the lottery on memory with this card as i have seen other go quite a bit higher , core seems spot on but memory no so good .. Got a water block arriving on 20th November so hoping and praying that helps it out a bit but what the card really needs is a dual sided water block of some sort as yes you can pretty much cook a steak on the back plate at its current temperature:eek:
28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
Your not alone :( This is literally the max limit i can take my vram to in all benchmarks apart from the new Raytracing bench on 3dmark and i put that down to being static images pretty much so allows it to go a little higher.. if i push the vram any higher say +670 it will black screen then crash and reset the pc:rolleyes: I defiantly didn't win the lottery on memory with this card as i have seen other go quite a bit higher , core seems spot on but memory no so good .. Got a water block arriving on 20th November so hoping and praying that helps it out a bit but what the card really needs is a dual sided water block of some sort as yes you can pretty much cook a steak on the back plate at its current temperature:eek:

lol roll on when the blocks do driop i'm waiting for the fe one from ek but i have seen the bistpower one too but with a lead time of 3-20 days its not worth it as the ek one will drop and that one looks the business compared to the bitspower one :)

i may go the route of a memory waterblock for the backside if temps dont improve, yes very ghetto but i want performance over looks :)
28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
right quick update i have removed 2 stick of ram and have got 4000mhz to post and boot but under auto timings, also my IF clock wont go past 1800mhz without boot faliure even 1833mhz wont post :(, do you think its down to early bios?

Update, ram again at 1080 with 4k ram on auto timings and NO gpu oc at all and got the following


i added the cpu-z screen of the ram and their auto timmings and man they seem way high, what do you guys think?

lastly my IF clock is 1800mhz any more and my pc wont post let alone boot :(
Last edited:
8 Sep 2020
right quick update i have removed 2 stick of ram and have got 4000mhz to post and boot but under auto timings, also my IF clock wont go past 1800mhz without boot faliure even 1833mhz wont post :(, do you think its down to early bios?

Update, ram again at 1080 with 4k ram on auto timings and NO gpu oc at all and got the following


i added the cpu-z screen of the ram and their auto timmings and man they seem way high, what do you guys think?

lastly my IF clock is 1800mhz any more and my pc wont post let alone boot :(

Great you got it to post at 4000Mhz but yeah those timing have increased a lot if i am reading that correctly :eek: I'm not to hot on memory at all past setting the xmp upping voltage and frequency and having a go at tightening the main timings a little if needed as well as the command rate although mine doesn't seem to like anything other than 2T at this frequency... Think your best bet would be to pop a post up in the memory section and hopefully someone will be able to give you some pointers on what to do . My current timings , basically stock timings with a 400mhz frequency bump and the added voltage to make it stable :)

28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
right went back to the bios and set 16,16,16,16,38 @4000mhz in dual channel and not improved, if anything i dropped score, but then i've seen online using 4 sticks on 3rd gen ryzen gives almost 10% boost to performance vs dual channel

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