United 93: How quickly we forget 9/11

nero120 said:
You also fail to mention the trivial fact of how many passengers were involved in the uprising? Was it one, two, three or more? Unfortunately the black box didnt get that bit of info, but im sure some helpful family member gave them an exact count right? Did the passengers kill a terrorist before the others locked themselves in the cabin? How did they manage to ram the cabin door with a snack trolley when the plane was descending at a steep angle? I wonder if the family testomonials contradicted each other at all, since they were originating from different people who were under intense emotional trauma, it seems reasonable that all their testimonials wouldnt totally add up, or were they all conveniently adding up?

Or pehraps the common themes of the testimonials were used... eyewitness tesimony can be wildly innacurrate yet if many witnessed the event and reported similar things - would it not suggest a rough outline of what happened?
dmpoole said:

You really are a fool.
Show some bloody respect to the families and dead.
I can't believe you are calling the relatives liars.
This debate ends now before I get suspended.

Yeah mate, you're absolutely right. Lets just do away with annoying little details such as fact and reason when a few people die. And debate is the wrong word, more like "thread where people can spew forth emotional drivel under the pretence that they are doing it out of respect for the families and the dead". Get control of yourself mate, let me remind you: YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED ON BOARD THAT PLANE. I know it was a moving film, so was braveheart, but last I heard "fact" was not a word usually associated with film. :rolleyes:
cleanbluesky said:
Or pehraps the common themes of the testimonials were used... eyewitness tesimony can be wildly innacurrate yet if many witnessed the event and reported similar things - would it not suggest a rough outline of what happened?

Absolutely - a rough outline, but not enough precision to actually say exactly what happened up there, and even then it is secondary information. No one alive witnessed those events so you are basing your story on the word of someone whose family member rang them to say goodbye before they died. Its harsh and sad, but if you really wanted to know what happened up their you'd take their testemony with a pinch of salt.

Evidently, didnt the court play recordings of phone conversations some time ago? If some has heard them then theyd be able to say how much detail the phone recordings went into about what exactly was happening.
nero120 said:
Evidently, didnt the court play recordings of phone conversations some time ago? If some has heard them then theyd be able to say how much detail the phone recordings went into about what exactly was happening.

Are we on a different planet?
The testimonies matched up with the recordings that were made.

Fact - the plane took off
Fact - it was hijacked
Fact - Air Traffic Control saw it wandering all over the place
Fact - they were in contact with it
Fact - the passengers spoke to their relatives on mobile phones and internal phones.
Fact - the passengers thought they were being taken somewhere but their relatives were able to tell them what had already happened that day and it was in fact a suicide mission and looked like it was perhaps going to be the White House.

You seem to have a problem believing that these conversations took place and if they did take place then all the relatives conspired with each other to make the story up to fit what the US Govt wanted.

Yes it is fiction that we didn't know who had tea or coffee, we don't know who had a wee or a poo and who bought chocolate from the trolley.

You obviously lie on the side of conspiracy theories and I'd love to know what you think happened?
dmpoole said:
Are we on a different planet?
The testimonies matched up with the recordings that were made.

Fact - the plane took off
Fact - it was hijacked
Fact - Air Traffic Control saw it wandering all over the place
Fact - they were in contact with it
Fact - the passengers spoke to their relatives on mobile phones and internal phones.
Fact - the passengers thought they were being taken somewhere but their relatives were able to tell them what had already happened that day and it was in fact a suicide mission and looked like it was perhaps going to be the White House.

Yes it is fiction that we didn't know who had tea or coffee, we don't know who had a wee or a poo and who bought chocolate from the trolley.

Now that I agree with. All I have been trying to say is that the film is a dramatisation and should not be taken entirely as fact, even though it may contain some facts that were recovered from the flight recorder, air traffic, etc. That's all I have been trying to say.
dmpoole said:
Like the Numb single - very well recorded.
Couldn't play the videos in anything :(
Which one are you?

Thanks mate! The vids have been nothing but trouble! I encoded them using quicktime pro, winamp doesnt play them properly but if you download the latest version of quicktime you should be able to play them. Pain in the butt I know, but I reckon its worth it for 'All I Want' - thats definitely one of our best tracks (I think its better than Numb, but it is different).

Im the chump singer/guitarist! We're off into a proper studio in a month to get all our tracks down, as Numb was demoed quite a while ago now.

Thanks for checking out the band! :)
I'm going to see it tonight.

Having read up on all sorts of research on 9/11, I am of the opinion that there are very few actual facts.
Cant say I particularly connected with the film I found parts cheesy and americanised. The only part i found moving was the young woman talking to her mother on the phone. The rest just seemed like a normal film to me, and i didnt come away thinking about it, unlike Saving Private Ryan or even Titanic :o
Watched it a couple of days ago, I was fairly impressed just taking it at face value i.e. judging it objectively as a film and not thinking too deeply into the reality of the situation or worrying about what inaccuracies there might have been.

The best bits were probably some of the dialogue in ATC, came across as fairly natural, a few red herrings/mistakes and just some good tension built up. I guess with a film like this everyone knows the outcome which makes the filmakers focus more on nuances like that. It's more about the journey than the destination.

One thing that did surprise me a little was that so many passengers were able to make phonecalls, were it not based on reality I think that part could have come in for criticism, i.e. why didn't the terrorists round up the passengers into a single area and have them watched more closely - there were only 37.

As I say arguably the best bits of the film were focussed on ATC but I suppose much more is known about what happened on the ground than in the air since there are no eyewitnesses.
wow major bump

i watched this in rome. thought it was awful and i wasn't alone. one woman fell asleep and another bloke stood up as soon as the credits rolled and gave a *pah* hand gesture to the screen.
My understanding is that the ATC conversations are a) mostly being made by real ATC people (many bit-parts are the real person), and b) transcripts. The film is also (as I assume you are aware) in real time compared to the events. As for the phones, it might not have dawned on the terrorists that phones could be used in the air, or they may have been too busy, or most probably, they were so under-armed that they didn't want to risk a mid-air riot. It's also possible that they didn't care: the hijack was pulled as late a possible to give the authorities no time to do anything even if detected.
I think back in 2006 it was still a little raw hence the header.
The films ok, its not particularly accurate on any level, Im not sure why it was made - I dont think it needed to have been ever really.
One thing that did surprise me a little was that so many passengers were able to make phonecalls, were it not based on reality I think that part could have come in for criticism, i.e. why didn't the terrorists round up the passengers into a single area and have them watched more closely - there were only 37.

I had no idea there were only 37 people on the plane. Quite surprising actually that there ended up being any fight for the plane to attempt to retake control.
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