***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

hey sylvet / hegemon lol is sorting something to fix our issue with the chat :p i'll leave it to him to fill you in :p

im off for the weekend after about 2 pm today, will be back Tuesday.

I've set u pthe land marks for the bottom layer of walls, they just need the fillers moving round every so often then marking up again for the next level
hey sylvet / hegemon lol is sorting something to fix our issue with the chat :p i'll leave it to him to fill you in :p

im off for the weekend after about 2 pm today, will be back Tuesday.

I've set u pthe land marks for the bottom layer of walls, they just need the fillers moving round every so often then marking up again for the next level

You'll need to add me to the access for the fillers etc, already been on trying to refill them with sandstone. Even when I'm added to the access I can't remove them either unfortunately, already tried to remove the alloy furnace in the hut as I was replacing it with the bluelectric one.

Is the current height of the sandstone walls the maximum height you want them to go? just looking of a heads up so I can try to progress the build while you are away.
You'll need to add me to the access for the fillers etc, already been on trying to refill them with sandstone. Even when I'm added to the access I can't remove them either unfortunately, already tried to remove the alloy furnace in the hut as I was replacing it with the bluelectric one.

Is the current height of the sandstone walls the maximum height you want them to go? just looking of a heads up so I can try to progress the build while you are away.

ok I removed the fillers for now they're in the chest in hut.

Nah they;re going a lot higher than that :p

maybe we take them up to 220ish high then we have 30 blocks to play with to make the top look nice on the outer shell.

also added you to the perms for the two extra sand stone chests next to the cobble gen udner the floor
Oh hey do I have you steam syl?

If not I'm ricorodreguez in the search then the name will be tefal, otherwise maxi an otheres should be able to link you.
Oh hey do I have you steam syl?

If not I'm ricorodreguez in the search then the name will be tefal, otherwise maxi an otheres should be able to link you.

Got you added, although I rarely fire up steam except to play a specific game.

Built the walls up to lvl186 but due to server issues causes by exploration and rendering, block breakers were temporarily banned and wiped although not the cause, steve placed some for me but they have disappeared too, unfortunately the lwc protection still thinks there is blocks in those locations so I can't repair the machine as a result. I'm unable to progress the build since I can't generate any sandstone at present.
Is there any chance you could use collectors/condensers as a temporary measure?

If you could drop off a collector/condensor at our build to use temporarily it would be much appreciated, we haven't done this so far as we prefer to play without using EE but this should suffice until the issues are resolved :)
If block breakers are banned I'm sure we could rig some macerators to the out put of a quarry :p

The ban was lifted, it was only temporary while the lag issues were investigated, we did have over 35 people on at the time, even with that number of people the server held up well.

You might be able to get the cobble gen operational if you rebuild the water/lava/breakers section a few blocks futher back so it is clear of its current location. I'm in work at the moment so can't do anything.
hey syl, remember my old test chamber on the very early servers for testing redstone in, i'm making one for us to test all this computercraft/forcefeild/sensors/rp/rail craft stuff in.

Wasn't sure what we were doing on the island so set 3 quarries up in sea, once they gone down a reasonable amount of blocks will add a roof with fillers and then line it so we have a ncie big safe room to test in.
hey syl, remember my old test chamber on the very early servers for testing redstone in, i'm making one for us to test all this computercraft/forcefeild/sensors/rp/rail craft stuff in.

Wasn't sure what we were doing on the island so set 3 quarries up in sea, once they gone down a reasonable amount of blocks will add a roof with fillers and then line it so we have a ncie big safe room to test in.

A nice test room lined with smooth sandstone to see the redstone better would be ideal, lining the roof with glass so you can see the ocean above would be a nice touch. Are you making one big room with the three quarries or 3 individual linked rooms?

All sides of the tower are up at the 186 level, chests are refilled with sandstone so I'll probably complete the walls up to the 220 level this evening, have you got plans in place for the roof, external decoration and internal structure?

For the island I was thinking we should at least have automated farms for wood, melons, pumpkins, etc
Want to have a play on Minecraft after a bit of absence... I'm trying to connect to the server but it's not having it. Says either the server is outdated or "Must Have Forge Build #136+ Error".

Can anyone help?
Want to have a play on Minecraft after a bit of absence... I'm trying to connect to the server but it's not having it. Says either the server is outdated or "Must Have Forge Build #136+ Error".

Can anyone help?

You just need a copy of the Tekkit launcher 3.1.2 and connect to lnn-ranked.com.

Download from HERE

Come see us and enjoy.
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