**Unofficial Tyre Thread**

'Real world usage' as judged by people of totally unknown qualification, experience or skill.

All tyres are 'good enough' until the day you need to do an emergency stop or take emergency avoiding action and you go ploughing on another 10m into the back of another car whilst your ABS pump near enough explodes or end up facing backwards - that's when all the stories about invisible diesel spills etc. start appearing because it's definitely never the cheap crap tyres people were using.

I mean what skill or experience do you want? Real world driving experience driving on UK roads in all conditions, towing and at times spirited driving. I’ve been driving for 18+ years, I’m an advanced driver trained using Roadcraft and driven on multiple brands of tyres.

The car is pretty heavy and just short of 320bhp…never had any issues whatsoever.

There is no denying that there are some really poor cheap tyres, however these days there are some very good cheap tyres.

Will the Iotas do well on track? Who knows, however 15k+ miles on a set they are very good…and saying they are crap just because of the price is a little narrow minded.

There is very little to none reviews other than daily drivers and most are positive.
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