Unreal Tournament news on the horizon!

Since latest patch it seems when the redeemer goes off my graphics go nuts.

Yeah happens to me on my 390x. I just freeze and can't do nothing for 5 seconds. ******* redeemer I hate it with a passion and now I die whether I'm in the blast zone or not.

Regarding the build, the most obvious change to me to the massive nerf on flak. Primary fire, the spread is smaller and does less damage, but the shrapnel flies faster. Secondary does more damage I think.

Still can't hit anything with secondary minigun, even though the fire rate is loads faster.

I like the UI changes, especially having your weapon inventory horizontally at the bottom like in UT99, instead of vertically. Also no more stats around the targeting reticule. Quite like the changes on the whole.

Also killed my teammate yesterday. Has was trying to climb out the goo on Deck-16, so I thought it'd be funny to plonk a flak ball on his head. It was :)

What nicks are you guys using? My in game name is Marauder but my account name is noobteamagain.
Is this unreal tournament like UT99? Just pick up guns etc and shoot to win, no levels, perks and all that? I always have UT99 GOTY to fall back on if so.
Regarding the build, the most obvious change to me to the massive nerf on flak. Primary fire, the spread is smaller and does less damage, but the shrapnel flies faster. Secondary does more damage I think.

The flak was in massive need of nerfing and I think they've done a good job on this build. Actually, this is the most balanced the weapons have felt for a long time.

Version release notes can be read @ https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Version_Notes_2016_8_25 if anyone is interested.
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Is this unreal tournament like UT99? Just pick up guns etc and shoot to win, no levels, perks and all that? I always have UT99 GOTY to fall back on if so.

It's essentially shoot, frag, win/lose :)

You can level up, but it doesn't really do much other than give you a different medal and number. The ranks can also be used to lock certain other ranks out of a match if desired.

Give it a go anyway, its free to play and always will be :)
Remember to give your feedback on the official forums.....UT is essentially a community project supported by Epic.

Full SDK available for modding etc...
When will this go into final release?

Unfortunately, they are a small team working on UT and have had people reallocated throughout development for other Epic projects such as Paragon and Fortnite. Hopefully, at some point more resources will be assigned back to UT but it's already been 2.5 years in development and still in the 'pre-alpha' stage.

Personally, I think they were hoping that the collaboration between developers and community would yield more results but I guess the small player base doesn't really encourage many in the community to finish any work that they do begin.

Edit: On the UT forums they do state 'We’re still in pre-alpha and we’re looking to get to alpha by the end of 2016/beginning of 2017'
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I don't know why it's still "pre-alpha", the game runs pretty well and I have not come across and bugs. It's time to start pushing it out on Steam etc I think.
I was playing this last night and I've still got it, I still getting slaughtered by everybody else ;)
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Haven't played in a few weeks, probably longer actually I've not checked out the update yet.

Tired of inconsistent games and they really need to sort the match making out. A new player joins the server who is gold 9, what team is he placed on? The team that winning 3-0 :rolleyes:

And no one wants to balance and join the losing team because they're mostly rank whores and don't want to drop a rank.
Im devastated cos I used to be a seriously great gamer, especially on UT/Quake/COD
But I have lost most of the use of my left hand andso I cannot use the keyboard anywhere near as well as I used to.
So I get my behind handed to me on a plate every time I try playing any game these days.
It makes me angry because I know its so easy to simply dodge to the left and then prone or step back, and I am ok going forward and stepping right but I cannot step left quickly enough and my finger moves to the side and so instead of stepping backwards, I step left, and its just doing my head in.

Im building myself a controler that allows me to use my feet to do some moves and I can then only need to use one finger to do any keyboard actions. cos only my left index finger is working, the other 3 fingers and my thumb seem to have a mind of their own.
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