Im devastated cos I used to be a seriously great gamer, especially on UT/Quake/COD
But I have lost most of the use of my left hand andso I cannot use the keyboard anywhere near as well as I used to.
So I get my behind handed to me on a plate every time I try playing any game these days.
It makes me angry because I know its so easy to simply dodge to the left and then prone or step back, and I am ok going forward and stepping right but I cannot step left quickly enough and my finger moves to the side and so instead of stepping backwards, I step left, and its just doing my head in.
Im building myself a controler that allows me to use my feet to do some moves and I can then only need to use one finger to do any keyboard actions. cos only my left index finger is working, the other 3 fingers and my thumb seem to have a mind of their own.