Here's hoping the numbers are all in your favour.
Unfortunately I'm walking much the same path. I had a serious heart attack way back in 1998, which necessitated a triple-bypass. Apart from damaging the heart muscle it also screwed with my hearts conduction so I became bradycardic, pretty much overnight. I developed ischaemic cardiomyopathy and my ejection fraction fell away to 33%. Jump forwards to 2012/13 and I had two more small heart attacks in quick succession. That screwed up my conduction even more and left me with LBBB (left bundle branch block) and a irregular heart rhythm. Likewise in 2016 they stuck in a CRT-D to fix the bradycardia and dodgy rhythm. Unfortunately that didn't go to plan and it left me with a serious infection and severe runs of VT. July of last year I had an ablation to try and fix the VT's but that hasn't worked so I'm being assess for a second one at the moment. Meanwhile my ejection fraction has fallen away to 27.5% so I'm knocking on the door of severe heart failure too.
Sorry, all a bit long winded, but just wanted to share and let you know you're not walking the path alone, and know a least some of what you're going through, and my thoughts are with you. My path leads in the same direction. Some of the anti-arrythmetic drugs are pretty toxic and as you say, are tough on the liver.