Update on my health

How old are you, if you didn't mind me asking.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the tablets . I line em up with breakfast, lunch and bedtime.

That's a life changing defect. To be honest I've never heard of anything that severe.
Good luck with everything. You are in good hands with the Freeman's. My dad had a liver transplant a few years back now and the service provided was excellent.
How old are you, if you didn't mind me asking.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the tablets . I line em up with breakfast, lunch and bedtime.

That's a life changing defect. To be honest I've never heard of anything that severe.
I’m 38. Had the original operation to keep me alive when I was 7. But it was always only a palliative operation that would fail one day. At least it gave me a really good childhood and young adulthood.
I’m 38. Had the original operation to keep me alive when I was 7. But it was always only a palliative operation that would fail one day. At least it gave me a really good childhood and young adulthood.

Fingers crossed for you all your results come back OK, and a compatible heart becomes available. Who knows you may well see another 38 years. Now I don't say that flippantly, I had my bypass when I was 36 and they told me I should see 8-12 years out of it. That was 21 years back. The drugs have come on in leaps and bounds. I was in one of the first trials in the UK for Statins. Now every man and his dog is on them.
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Another quick update. Procedure to have my ICD replaced has been postponed again!

Anaesthetists have said it’s too dangerous for me to have general anaesthetic unless I have the heavy duty life support gear which they just cannot do for a simple procedure. I now have to have it done under heavy sedation with a nerve block (whatever that is). I suppose it’s good that I’m having it done in a safer way, but I just don’t fancy being awake while being cut through to the ribs :(
Another quick update. Procedure to have my ICD replaced has been postponed again!

Anaesthetists have said it’s too dangerous for me to have general anaesthetic unless I have the heavy duty life support gear which they just cannot do for a simple procedure. I now have to have it done under heavy sedation with a nerve block (whatever that is). I suppose it’s good that I’m having it done in a safer way, but I just don’t fancy being awake while being cut through to the ribs :(

Good to hear they are prepared to do it though. It doesn't sound like I have the same device but I had my CRT-D implanted under a local with sedation. The procedure took around 2.5 hours yet I can only remember about 10mins of it right at the end when they were stitching me up. Apparently they were chatting to me all the way through but I remember nowt. (where is your device placed?)
Good to hear they are prepared to do it though. It doesn't sound like I have the same device but I had my CRT-D implanted under a local with sedation. The procedure took around 2.5 hours yet I can only remember about 10mins of it right at the end when they were stitching me up. Apparently they were chatting to me all the way through but I remember nowt. (where is your device placed?)
Left side of rib cage just under the armpit.
Another quick update. Procedure to have my ICD replaced has been postponed again!

Anaesthetists have said it’s too dangerous for me to have general anaesthetic unless I have the heavy duty life support gear which they just cannot do for a simple procedure. I now have to have it done under heavy sedation with a nerve block (whatever that is). I suppose it’s good that I’m having it done in a safer way, but I just don’t fancy being awake while being cut through to the ribs :(

Ah best of luck. Presumably they'll screen it off a bit from you so you won't actually see anything. Tbh... the last time I was under sedation for a procedure (granted just a camera up the bum) I pretty much zonked out anyway and had barely any recollection of the thing... I do remember talking to them initially and then just zoning out until a nurse came over and said "all done".
Another quick update. Procedure to have my ICD replaced has been postponed again!

Anaesthetists have said it’s too dangerous for me to have general anaesthetic unless I have the heavy duty life support gear which they just cannot do for a simple procedure. I now have to have it done under heavy sedation with a nerve block (whatever that is). I suppose it’s good that I’m having it done in a safer way, but I just don’t fancy being awake while being cut through to the ribs :(

You have absolutely nothing to worry about with heavy sedation. It's beyond being black out drunk. People get holes power drilled in to their skulls for dental implants with sedation no bother. I had sedation for an epidural steroid injection (in to spine discs) and don't remember a thing after being asked to count backwards from 10. "Woke up" watching TV with a pepsi in my hand that I had apparently asked for specifically... don't remember any of it. Felt amazing too as it wore off, super relaxed. You'll be fine.
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