Ah, didn't know you should keep searching an area. I thought you could only search somewhere once. What sort of items can I expect to find in a bank?
Thanks for the advice. I have started an alt who is a firefighter. Noticed a massive difference starting off with an axe.
There's nothing useful in banks. What they *are* good for, however, is hiding in when they're unpowered - as a "dark building", they cut attack rates in half.
Fire station for an axe (which I see you already have), hospital for FAKs, Police Station for Flak Jacket (get one, it'll help protect you from PKers), guns, ammo, and radios (radio is optional, but if you get one and tune it to the local frequency, you might hear useful stuff).
Right now, I'd focus on ways to gain XP. Use your axe for damage, heal people with FAKs. You can't see who's injured until you buy Diagnosis, but if you hang out in a hospital people will often say when they're injured to allow lower-level people like you to gain XP off healing them, instead of healing themselves.
Guns are nice, but only once you buy the skills for them. Pistols do 5 damage, shotguns do 10, and both can get up to a maximum accuracy of 65%, whereas your axe does 3 damage and goes up to 45%. With that said, the fire axe doesn't require searching for ammo, and guns lose 20% of their damage on targets that are wearing Flak Jackets or have the Flesh Rot zombie skill.
Recommend skills to get ASAP include Free Running and Construction, particularly if you're at around Tarasius. Diagnosis will also be useful if you want to heal people for XP, as you won't have to guess or wait for people to ask for healing. However, if it's your Soldier, that one will cost 150 XP for him. If you're healing for XP, I wouldn't get First Aid or Surgery yet - they do increase the amount you heal, but not the amount of XP you get for doing so. Better to use 3 FAKs to heal the 15 HP and thus gain 15 XP than to use one, heal the same amount, but only get 5 XP.
Any questions, lemme know, I've been playing this game for a while.