Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

Can't believe I survived the night in there. woke up with 25 zeds in my bed!

I dropped you and Pauly as many heals as I could before I dropped out.

Just created a character, is the OP still accurate with regards to location?

No mate that's well out.

Pretty all ocukers (and our allies in 1111 and some CMS) are all based in Taursis hospital in SE Lerwell Heights.

Be careful if you head there now as Taurais has just fell, we'll have it back in a few days but it's a little hairy at the mo. Herbert PD is about 4 blocks south of Taursis and a lot of us are holed up there. It's EHB so it's entry point is block SE it's a hotel cant remember the name right now though.
Hey folks,

i've somehow managed to get to 200xp points without noticing!
(probably too focused on avoiding being munched by the zeds in Tarasius)
but anyway not sure what skills to get. looking for some advice on what to get next please.
my profile is at http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=2034038


Well, you've got the basics. If you want to be able to revive people, go for NecroNet Employment and Lab Experience; if you'll be sticking to killing zeds, grab Headshot and Basic Firearms Training. I'd still stick with the axe until you have your Advanced Pistol Training, then you can switch to guns. Using guns does require more downtime searching in PDs and reloading, but you can dish out higher amounts of damage more accurately. It's all up to how you want to play, of course - if you don't want to use guns, pick up Headshot anyway and grab something like Radio Operation or Tagging for communicating with other survivors, or Scout Safehouse. I'd leave that one for later, though, as using it requires 30 AP.
Well I'm in Shipp Way School. Couldn't work out how to get in 90% of the buildings.

If a building is barricaded past VSB (Very Strongly Barricaded)+2, you can't get in from outside. The survivor skill Free Running lets you move from the inside of one building to an adjacent one; this is how survivors get in and out of heavily barricaded buildings. Pick it up ASAP.
Killed the zombie that was on ya but had no FAKs for your 20hp, now i'm locked outside as someone has caded Patterson too much!
Well, you've got the basics. If you want to be able to revive people, go for NecroNet Employment and Lab Experience; if you'll be sticking to killing zeds, grab Headshot and Basic Firearms Training. I'd still stick with the axe until you have your Advanced Pistol Training, then you can switch to guns. Using guns does require more downtime searching in PDs and reloading, but you can dish out higher amounts of damage more accurately. It's all up to how you want to play, of course - if you don't want to use guns, pick up Headshot anyway and grab something like Radio Operation or Tagging for communicating with other survivors, or Scout Safehouse. I'd leave that one for later, though, as using it requires 30 AP.

Cheers Michael.
I'm not a high enough level to grab headshot yet so have taken two pistol skills as i think it'll currently be useful to be able to take down the vast amount of zeds hanging about here. As I've been getting really poor hit rates with the axe recently. :(
I'll then look at reviving people once i've got advanced pistol training.
I'm hanging out regaining AP west of langman. I intend to make a move on it once I get full AP if anyone wants to help. Won't be until tomorrow morning though I think.
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