Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

No worries, my fault. Profile is Leroy Zanzibar.

I'm at Bragg now, hoping that some kind soul will revive me :D

This is why we need an up to date list somewhere of active/inactive OCUKers and allies, how about we create a google shared spreadsheet or something that can be kept up to date, that way we don't have to rely on a post within this thread. Does the OP still play?

Edit: Revived you!
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killed and dumped the lat zed in herbet.
Had to go find a FAK for my infection so now out of AP.

But once my AP is back up i'm willing to go and find a toolbox No1newts and help get the Taursis back.
Cades up and down in Herbert. Used 15AP to get the back up to EHB, only 10 left.
Keep an eye on them.
Woke up to no cades, but no zombies either. Back up to EHB, over in Julie's Hospital gathering FAKs as there are a few who need heals.... Find rates on FAKs seems to have bombed recently too.
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