Urban Dead (Browser based zombie apocalypse)

7 in Taursis.

I'm prepped for strike back with 5 pistols, 4 shotguns, 4 clips, 2 shells and my axe!

Just need 50ap and I will be going in tomorrow morning!
Herbert Lane PD got slammed. Woke up dead, killed one of the other zeds, damaged a second, then lurched over to Bragg for a revive. Hiya, Dev.

In Darvall, Caiger and Latrobe are currently survivor-held, but unsure how long that will last. Two of the four corners each had a zed inside, but I took care of that; however, nothing is powered, and Atomic Trout the PKer took out the genny in Latrobe.
15 Zeds in Herbert, 19 outside. Few survivors left.

Bit worrying that so many Zeds are still active when we are trying to get back Taursis.
Hospital is clear and ehb. If anyone is near a radio can they get the word out that we need defenders and a genny. Come on in guys, we're back :)
SE Lerwell Heights. Place called Taursis hospital. Held by a mix of ocukers and a group called squadron1111.

Nice hangout, pretty busy and occasionally goes nuts :D recently lost Taursis but today was the take back day. Probably 40+ Zeds in the area do should be fun! :D
I'm after a genny to sort out the club north of Taursis. Need a genny installed before I can repair because it's too dark :(

1 zed in there and not wasting my ammo in a dark building on it.
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