Useful Freeware Utilities

Is there free "game" which the computer plays. so it's sort of a screensaver at best but looks cool when the computer controlled character levels up?
Hey guys.

Just a post to let you know that I am still 100% interested in creating the website to be associated with this freeware list and have tons of great ideas for it and I wish to develop it to give myself more practice so it WILL be done but at this moment in time, I ahve not had time due to uni and hardly any spare time to commit to it just yet but don;t worry, I will get around to it.

In the mean time. I have created an RSS feed of the lists on the first page so if you subscribe to it then any additions to any of the front page lists you will be notified of.

The link is

Completely understand about the time factor, whenever you get around to it, that will be great, will add to its functionality...

The RSS feed is handy, having it all done will be good.

Wish you the best with your Uni studies.
Thanks for your post jbloggs,

I actually decided to start the site tonight properly and have got a bit done so far so it IS started and will be ongoing.

I found a template I liked on the internet (I never really wish to use templates but i'm not exactly a decent graphics designer so I like to start with a template for ideas and then heavily modify it.

I am working on it right now and should be able to post up a quick preview soonish.

I also need someone or anyone on OCUK to create some small graphics if possible and if anyone is willing to contribute to the project.

I would like the site to have some sort of little cartoonish mascot. Any ideas?

I like the following style but do not wish it to be a bee.


I ahve been looking for names, and the current name (could be changed yet) is "Tools43" as in "Tools for Free".

Any other name ideas welcome but please make sure that a .com and domain are free. The problem is that I currently cannot purchase the domains but should be able to in the new year.

The site will focus on the free applications in the lists on the front page of this thread but I have also decided to add applications which are free and web based (mainly) such as Ninite and or many of the google apps like docs and reader.

Any comments welcome.


Hey guys,

Just a quick update here. Thought I would post a quick screenshot of what I ahve done so far. Please remember that it is nowhere near complete and is still very much a work in progress. As you can see, there a element borders all over it and some things do NOT line up and some parts are just place holders. Please post your opinions here and tell me how it can be improved. I also need some ideas as to what to put in the yellow and orange box up top!



What about making the yellow/orange box at the top a bit smaller (height wise), put nothing in it which will give you more room beneath it for description etc...

Or put a (biggish) "tools43" logo on it...

Basically, I think you want to keep the layout of the page as simple and clean as possible.
The orange box on the homepage is only that size on there. On other pages I ahve made it about 50 pixels in height and will leave it blank but do want something in it on the homepage. I was thinking about something along the lines of the background of the apple iphones voice recognition app where words scroll past in different sizes and onl different levels but basically scrolling a variety of application names? This would be best done in flash but i'm not a flash expert and wouldn;t know how to get flash to interact with a database?
The orange box on the homepage is only that size on there. On other pages I ahve made it about 50 pixels in height and will leave it blank but do want something in it on the homepage. I was thinking about something along the lines of the background of the apple iphones voice recognition app where words scroll past in different sizes and onl different levels but basically scrolling a variety of application names? This would be best done in flash but i'm not a flash expert and wouldn;t know how to get flash to interact with a database?

Quite a bit of work involved in that flash idea...I personally would keep the logo as simple as possible...

A few other observations that were pointed out to me:

Should the actual content pane be wider?

Is it going to have drop-down menus for the Categorys bit?

What's the login for?
Freeware suggestion: Mikogo

Hi jbloggs,

I'd like to suggest Mikogo desktop sharing app. It allows one to share one's screen live over the Web with up to 10 others. Many features are included, such as switch presenter, remote keyboard/mouse control, whiteboard, recording, scheduler, file transfer, and more. Mikogo can be used in online education, online meetings and remote support.
Please take a moment to drop by our website and consider listing Mikogo. Thanks!

Hsiang-Yi Cheng
The Mikogo Team
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