Maybe I can link it with Fing to wake my PC on LAN! Now that'd be cool at work!!!
Interesting idea. You can patch Tasker into NFC Task Launcher I think, but I never figured out TaskerLet us know if you can do it. I would love to add this to my 'arrive home' NFC tag
So my Tags arrived today. After playing around with it, I decided to get NFC to WOL working. And... SUCCESS!
Apps required:
NFC Task Launcher -
Tasker -
Wol Wake on Lan Wan -
Note, Tasker has a free 7-day trail from developer's site:
1) Create a new Wake on Lan profile using Wol Wake on Lan Wan and ensure it works. Save the profile with a memorable name.
You may need to ensure your BIOS and OS support WOL. Note, I found Wol Wake on Lan Wan to be a bit fidgety when inputting all the PC settings. Instead, I used Fing ( to find my PC on my network and automatically set WOL. Then I pasted these settings into Wol Wake on Lan Wan. Note, I use Wol Wake on Lan Wan because it supports widgets, which I later use in Tasker.
2) Create a new Tasker Task to launch the Wake on Lan profile created above. As credits go to the following source, follow it for complete detail:
3) Finally create a new NFC Tag using NFC Task Launcher. Within it's settings you'll be able to select an existing Tasker Task.
If all goes well, you should be able to boot your computer by simply tagging the new tag!
- I had originally installed NFC Task Launcher before Tasker. When attempting to use Tasker tasks with NFC Tags, these would not immediately work. I found by reinstalling NFC Task Launcher (after Tasker had been installed), that the two apps would properly work together.
OP, AndyCr15 for inspiration
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