V Rising - A Vampire Survival Game

what game mode is best to go for ? im usually more of a solo guy, but would be fun to meet up with others ? pve or pvp the best ?
I'm looking forward to playing solo and tweaking all the seetings to exactly how I want it. Is something annoying?... switch it off. Is something fun?... ramp it up.
I actually got pretty drunk after the football and didn't manage to get any time on this yesterday afternoon. :(
I've bought it (after seeing Mac from WorthaBuy thumb it up) but haven't yet installed it or played it.
Looking forward to Monday when I'll hammer it.
Hes the last guy id listen to , he used to be good but hes just a moany motormouth a few years now.
However this game is absolutely brilliant.
The game looks good, spent a good chunk of time on Valheim and this seems right up the same alley, one thing thats put me right off is they have DLC before the actual game has been released, thats not an approach i feel comfortable buying into or supporting them with! might buy the game but the dlc can stick it!
The game looks good, spent a good chunk of time on Valheim and this seems right up the same alley, one thing thats put me right off is they have DLC before the actual game has been released, thats not an approach i feel comfortable buying into or supporting them with! might buy the game but the dlc can stick it!

Same here.

Was going to buy this until I read about the DLC.

Not now, I might be missing out on a great game, but not like I haven't got a plethora of games to play anyhow.
The DLC isnt too bad, its only cosmetics, so I can live with that. If they had dropped DLC which had more content or game affecting stuff in it then I would be against it but some optional cosmetics arent enough to dissuade me from an enjoyable game
So far it's quite resource grindy. But yes I suppose it is like Diablo 3. Going out to get a specific boss to gain perks and blueprints for your castle.

I went out for one boss, got him and on the way back ran into another one...gotcha. Two for the price of one.
The combat is a bit Diablo like (which I love), but it's more like Valheim in terms of gameplay.

Yeah the combat is about the only bit which is ARPG'ey, as much as I would like more people to try the game, I've got to be honest with them about how the game really plays and that most of it is as you rightly say more Valheim than Diablo. Having said that @Digital X , its a darned good game and cheap by comparison to most titles :)
A couple days old but saw this tweet from the devs of the game and thought I share. And that boss is the one I been struggling with, Nicholaus The Fallen, a royal pain that one !

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