VAC banned again for no reason, COD Advanced Warfare.

Did you carry on using computer as is for new Steam account? As I suppose there's always a chance what got you banned originally has left some legacy behind even after uninstalling.

May be do a format when you decide on which graphics card you are going with, to remove potential future issues if you try Steam for a third time.
Doesn't VAC only ban known hacks? As in, they scan the running memory, if they find something suspicious it is compared to a blacklist of known hacks. If it matches, it slaps a ban onto the account. This leads to the very low number of false positives (Pretty sure the last big COD FP was due to the devs updating game files without running them through VAC first, so it detected that everyone running the game was using modified files and banned them).
Man up?..over a game?..seriously lol.

Theres nothing for me to "Man up" over,I had nothing to can call BS if you like..i don't have to prove anything.. know i didn't cheat.

Maybe if you .... work hard. If you KNOW you have been falsely VAC banned .... it may be lifted. ;)
I don't exactly disagree with restrictions (it shouldn't be a perma ban just kick until you disable it) for FOV and FPS via 3rd party hooks but... developers trying to impose one size fits all settings is just lame and retarded especially arbitrary framerate limits - if people are so bothered about others having an advantage through some minor video configuration settings they always have the option there to level the playing field and set things up how best works for them not to mention without a good range of settings available it impacts massively on the accessibility/playability of a game for people with disabilities for no good reason.

I've never cheated on my Steam account, it's just a fact.

This sounds like you have cheated on other games away from your steam account, maybe it just picked up things from caches, histories etc. from other games and decided you were the dodgy type and banned you?

If you have cheated on other non Steam games, this wouldn't surprise me.
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