Valentine's Day...come on then, what do you have planned? <3

Wifey totally buys into all occasions - her side of the family fall out if they miss birthday, xmas cards etc - we're talking 50+ year old people here too!

So, card, roses, bottle of fave rum and a Piglets Pantry cream tea.

Very nice, but only doing that as it's what's expected on that particular day - meh.

Does she celebrate Man-etines day as well then? It's on March 14th, colloquially known as steak and BJ day
My partner and I decided to celebrate on Friday evening by going to a local Italian restaurant. We even swapped presents then, I got a bottle of Conarma whiskey, while I got her some NIO cocktails.
As for actual Valintines' Day, I cooked duck in a homemade sauce as she likes it and we don't have it often.
Yeah, funny that one... However you argue it, Valentine's Day is for the women. They love it whereas most guys would not be bothered if it went by without any noise.
We never do anything special now. Probably did first 2 years we were together. My wife was working looking after covid patients and I was building terrain for some wargaming. I got kids from school, fed, played, bathed them and put them in bed. Wife came home about 8:30pm, had a bowl of noodles, bath, and we went to bed shattered to be woke up at 4am next morning by our middle kid. So yeah, we do **** all because we literally can't.

For some reason my Facebook feed was full of the usual lovey dovey posts and pictures of couple out with images of their food. No idea how they managed to get on my feed as I have not seen any posts from them for ages as my settings are set up to not follow or show posts from them because of all these posts. I use Facebook for groups and comms for close friends only.

Anyway, we can't get anyone to look after our kids as we have one who has ASD and ADHD, not even their grandmother wants to look after them, can't handle it. So even for us to go out for an hour for a bite to eat is extremely rare. We do have a friend who has ADHD kids of her own who is looking after them this afternoon after school, whilst we go to another school (special one) to check it out for next year for our eldest. Even then its not a time to chill or have fun for us.
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