Heh, I've just made classic noob error number 2. I moved my character (and as many of the more valuable resources as I could fit into their inventory) into a new world following the failure of my plan to build an island. I found a site that I've earmarked for my castle, which I've left alone as I can't build in stone yet. Nearby was a reasonable area for a wooden hall to use until I can work in stone.
So I started building a wooden hall. Bigger than my first one. Too big. I'm going to need to build a forest's worth of scaffolding just to be able to get high enough to put a roof on it and approximately a bazillion pillars to hold the roof up. Also some internal chimneys in the middle of the hall as the hall is too wide to be heated by fireplaces on the walls. I had to spend 3 nights doing nothing because 3 days wasn't long enough to build the place up enough to get shelter for a bed