
I think I might be done with Valheim.

No iron. I sailed around the island to map it, which took a million years sailing into the wind in every direction, and got killed in the water by deathsquitoes and furlings. Made a new karve, spent another million years sailing there, spent a whole night bobbing in the sea waiting for daylight, got my kit, got killed again before being able to even put it on. Lost 10% of my slowly gained skills.

It's not fun and it's a normal part of the game, so why am I doing it? All this just to be able to make a stone cutter so I can build something.
What flipped my swamp vision was rather than avoiding combat, being 100% agreesive I found safer, if I see it, it dies, food and armour helps but don't be afraid to get stuck in, if its dead before it poisons you... Well it can't :P
Yes, and we always take supplies for a portal, bed, workbench, spare armour etc with us and build a forward base just outside of the swamp, to avoid the soul-crushing naked corpse runs.

We're farming the plains now though and we've both agreed the swamps is our least favourite biome, with the plains being our favourite. I can't imagine it or the swamps would be much fun solo though. If both of us dies, one can distract whilst the other retrieves our items.

As has been said above, we had to search a couple of swamps before we found one with a decent enough number of crypts. Once that happened iron was far easier to farm than bronze.
[..]We're farming the plains now though and we've both agreed the swamps is our least favourite biome, with the plains being our favourite. I can't imagine it or the swamps would be much fun solo though. If both of us dies, one can distract whilst the other retrieves our items. [..]

I think that might be the key point. It's not this specific incident. It's not the swamp per se (I was killed offshore from a plains biome, anyway). It's the fact that it's a normal part of the game. Death, loss of all stuff, loss of hours worth of skills, lengthy trip to have a marginal chance of maybe being able to get your kit back but probably getting killed again. Playing solo is a key factor there. I was overly optimistic about my opinion of Valheim as a solo game. It's fine solo in the beginning, but only in the beginning.

I suppose I could mod the equipment loss on death away. Maybe I will, if I return to the game.

What flipped my swamp vision was rather than avoiding combat, being 100% agreesive I found safer, if I see it, it dies, food and armour helps but don't be afraid to get stuck in, if its dead before it poisons you... Well it can't :p

I found that fire arrows dealt with draugr effectively. Mace for everything else. Surtlings were difficult to hit due to their speed and throwing fireballs in your face. But it was usually manageable. The problem isn't the difficulty. I even managed to kill 4 deathsquitoes. In melee. While in a boat for 2 of them (although I also destroyed the boat). It's the harsh loss incurred from dying and the high likelihood of being unable to recover your equipment if playing solo. Which is why the Body Recovery Squad exists, but that's for one-offs and the problem is a constant part of the game.
I agree it's harsh on the single player. I play alone and lost all my gear when I wandered into the plains and again multip!e times trying to recover. Is there though not a console God more command you can use just to recover your stuff. Cheating? Well maybes but it'll help and you could turn off afterwards.
Yeah, can't disagree that the death penalty is, potentially at least, a bit OTT a lot of the time.

The tier-gated grind for gear does mean getting knocked back a tier or two if you can't get your stuff is pretty extreme.

And the skills take so long to level once you hit level 40-50 or so and you lose so many of them on death. Last night after the kids went to bed I spent 45 minutes running around our island just to fill in the missing bits of the map and see if I could spot any good loot or ore. 45 minutes - and I gained half a level of run skill. I could lose 3 levels on death now, I think. Just too much.

We haven't had it too bad, as we've been really lucky with our world seed. We haven't really needed to sail anywhere, and we've got a little network of portals in safe areas in easy reach of all the materials up to the mountain biome, I think. I even spotted a plains section. All on our sprawling starting island. The island I was playing solo before starting a new world with the kids only had meadows and black forest on it. I sailed around on a raft for ages on that world and never saw any swamps. That world would have been so much more frustrating to deal with.

Even with that good seed, my poor youngest lad has died so many times his skills have been knocked right back down to the teens.

I hope they do something like amend the skill loss to just loss of xp towards the next level (maybe lose one level if you have 0xp towards the next?). I don't know what to think about the gear loss, since I do like the feeling of danger associated with that, but it can be so massively detrimental to your progress. Perhaps being able to warp your gear back home after failing to retrieve it x times, but having it remove any upgrade levels, and maybe and incurring a set risk of destroying each item?

It would also be good to see some tweaking to the world seeding so that you are guaranteed at least up until iron without having to sail too far.
I am having some issues with this game now.

1. The pixelated graphics when close up (not always avoidable) play havoc with my eyes. I play at 1440p, 3090 to power it, chromatic abomination, DoF and that other option are turned off. I can play for about 2 hours and then the headache starts. I'm short sighted and it doesn't happen with any other game.
2. I hate the grind. It simply takes too long and I get bored. I quite enjoy cutting down trees and making them cascade though.
3. Dying punishes you a bit too harshly I feel. My team mates died and it took hours to get their bodies back as we were constantly kiting the enemy to kill them off and get back only to have to kite more of them. With reduced skills this takes the enjoyment out of it.
4. Sometimes the server slows so much that I hit an object and 10 seconds later, the number appears. Chests do not open when right next to them. The same hardware runs our 7 Days to Die & Ark server without issues.

We are currently exploring the snow/mountain biome grabbing silver and wolf pelts. I've sailed around an entire island (took 5 days) and found a few plains biomes and like Angillion, I was attacked by Deathsquitos. I made it back though. We are now establishing a forward point in the Meadows biome which is very short walk to the Plains on this island.

I will say its nice to have a game which ramps up the difficulty though and I get to put things in boxes. I think at the moment the only reason I keep playing is resource gathering for my missus' building habit.
I agree about the skills loss. It is too OTT and certain skills themselves don’t seem to make much of a difference just yet when you’re into the high 90’s. My woodcutting skill was at 97, now 86 or so after I fell off my stone wall whilst taking a screenshot at 25hp. 97 woodcutting doesn’t seem to make me chop any better.

The loss can be frustrating at times for when you die simply because of bugs or ingame mechanics such as a slime spawning inside a muddy scrap pile within the crypt. You can’t hit the sod and it constantly pumps out that poison aoe. Leaving its aggro range and returning sometimes fixes this.
I agree it's harsh on the single player. I play alone and lost all my gear when I wandered into the plains and again multip!e times trying to recover. Is there though not a console God more command you can use just to recover your stuff. Cheating? Well maybes but it'll help and you could turn off afterwards.

There is a god mode command. I've never used the cheats so I'm not sure if you can turn it back off again.

I know with the recent update they changed things a bit so in order for the console to now appear you have to put -console in the command line of steam, and then instead of typing imacheater its now devcommands
New update. Can someone paste patch notes from there as I’m at work on mobile.

  • Campfire,Bonfire & hearth take damage when dealing damage

  • Reinforced chest inventory space increased to 6x4

  • All boss drops can now float on water

  • Sunken crypt entrance tweaked (to stop tombstones from getting stuck)

  • Fixed rotation of Wood tower shield on item stands

  • Deathsquito & Drake trophy drop rate increased

  • 1 & 2 Star creature HP fix

  • Night-spawning wolves should be easier to tame now (should stop trying to run away & despawn after starting to tame)

  • Harpoon does not work on bosses anymore

  • Ingame console disabled by default (add launch argument "-console" to enable)

  • The console command for enabling developer/debug commands has been changed to “devcommands” from “imacheater” and a warning message has been added.

  • Improved enemy projectile reaction system

  • Battle axe tweaks (hits multiple enemies easier)

  • Player knockback force is affected by equipment speed modifiers (IE heavy gear will reduce the knockback from enemies)

  • Blackforest stone tower tweaks

  • Ward system fixes (You can no longer place a new ward where an enemy ward overlaps)

  • Comfort calculation fixed

  • "Failed to connect" error message fixed

  • Serpent trophy stack fix

  • Missing Moder spawn location in some worlds fixed (NOTE: For existing worlds "genloc" command needs to be run manually in a local game with dev commands enabled to generate new locations, this is only needed if your specific world has this issue, this is not very common)

  • Megingjord item-collider fix

  • Added a slight use-delay on Hammer, Hoe & Cultivator

  • Hammer remove auto-repeat added

  • Better network bandwidth handling (should work better on low bandwidth connections & also use higher data rate if possible)

  • Dolmen location fixes (Stop top stone from falling for no reason)

  • Fixed removing item from item-stand not always syncing item stats

  • Server list refresh button can be pressed before the entire list has been downloaded

  • Better bad connection detection

  • Fixed issue causing server to send more data the longer a client was connected

  • Localization updates
  • Added a slight use-delay on Hammer, Hoe & Cultivator

I do not like the sound of that!

Will have to check it out, but if it's made planting, pathing and levelling ground more laborious I will be looking for a mod to undo that change asap.

That sounds like a really poor decision on the surface. I will need to see how it pans out in game, but not seeing why this needed changing. It was fine as it was and not one of the issues that needed fixing.
Not happy about the hoe change. I’m already taking a break from planting because I keep running out of stamina as it is.

Reinforced chests having more space is most welcome. Can’t wait to get home now.
I agree it's harsh on the single player. I play alone and lost all my gear when I wandered into the plains and again multip!e times trying to recover. Is there though not a console God more command you can use just to recover your stuff. Cheating? Well maybes but it'll help and you could turn off afterwards.

With the console you can spawn in any item in the game. Including items that never spawn in the game itself but are in the code, such as a small hoverbike-style aircraft/spaceship thing. Seriously, that's in the game. Probably a leftover from something else. So if you know the ingame names of the stuff you lost you could spawn in copies of each item. The ingame names of everything are probably available online...

...found a list here:

So, for example, entering this command:

spawn ArmorBronzeChest

into the console will spawn a bronze chest armour on the ground in front of you. The same as any other L1 bronze chest armour, so if that's what you lost then you've effectively recovered it. You can upgrade the one you spawned - in every way it's the same as one you made. You could spawn in the materials needed for the upgrades, of course.

There are mods that give players choices regarding death. The ones that I know of are these:

Valheim Plus adds many options to the game, including some entirely new things such as moving things you've built so you don't have to demolish and rebuild them just to move them. All the options can be changed at will in a simple and well commented config file. One of the options is the amount of skill loss on death, which you can change in 1% increments from default to zero.

Gravekeeper adds many choices regarding what (if any) of your inventory is kept on death. There are 20 toggleable options. You want to keep everything? You want to keep only what you're wearing? Only what you're wearing and consumables? Only your bow and your helmet? Only what's in your quickslots? Pretty much every "retain these items on death" possibility you can think of. It doesn't change the skill loss.

Safe Death retains everything on death. Your inventory remains the same, your skills remain the same.
With the console you can spawn in any item in the game. Including items that never spawn in the game itself but are in the code, such as a small hoverbike-style aircraft/spaceship thing. Seriously, that's in the game. Probably a leftover from something else. So if you know the ingame names of the stuff you lost you could spawn in copies of each item. The ingame names of everything are probably available online...

...found a list here:

So, for example, entering this command:

spawn ArmorBronzeChest

into the console will spawn a bronze chest armour on the ground in front of you. The same as any other L1 bronze chest armour, so if that's what you lost then you've effectively recovered it. You can upgrade the one you spawned - in every way it's the same as one you made. You could spawn in the materials needed for the upgrades, of course.

There are mods that give players choices regarding death. The ones that I know of are these:

Valheim Plus adds many options to the game, including some entirely new things such as moving things you've built so you don't have to demolish and rebuild them just to move them. All the options can be changed at will in a simple and well commented config file. One of the options is the amount of skill loss on death, which you can change in 1% increments from default to zero.

Gravekeeper adds many choices regarding what (if any) of your inventory is kept on death. There are 20 toggleable options. You want to keep everything? You want to keep only what you're wearing? Only what you're wearing and consumables? Only your bow and your helmet? Only what's in your quickslots? Pretty much every "retain these items on death" possibility you can think of. It doesn't change the skill loss.

Safe Death retains everything on death. Your inventory remains the same, your skills remain the same.
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