Vault 111 by PEXON

Just had to edit this, as its not ace, ITS EPIC!!! you have an excellent talent there fella!


Can I suggest you use the Nuke Cola bottle as the res for the watercooling?? that would be excellent.

Also the coolant would look cool as a dirty oily substance :D

this is a quality idea !
A few people have suggested that. I don't know if that would work well for this build, I did think of hiding a tiny res inside a coke bottle. I don't like the idea of drilling at tapping glass.
Hey guys, making some serious progress with the build now! On the final stretch! :D

Aquatuning have been very kind and supplied the rest of the wet gear to get the rig finished








The cleary blue coolant will look bang on I reckons, as I am just going with clear floppy tubing, the blue LEDs and lights will compliment it well.


Smashed the rad up in double quick time and got it installed with the out and inputs on the top. The tubing routing is a nightmare, I knew watercooling in this case (although its large) was going to be a PITA as nothing is in the right place, hence the reason I chose it, its quirky :D



I have to have a look around for a little male to male G1/4" extender in order to mount the res on-top of the pump, space in the bottom chamber is a little sparse. I can mount the res on top to keep it relatively tidy.

Also managed to borrow some ram to test the parts


And managed to get a braided IEC cable made




I also met Vault Boy at Eurogamer this weekend too!


Thanks for looking guys
Cheers guys.

I have no idea what to do to the W/cing parts. Probably just rough them up a little, make a sticker for the res and do something interesting with the backplate for the GPU. I did think about using some long nose pliers to tighten all the fittings up and 'accidentally' slip to mark the fittings and ruin the knurlings, little touches like that .
How about get some opaque plastic film, add double sided tape to one side. Then cut the film into very thin jagged strips, peel off the double sided tape and place around the res picking a central "point of impact" so it appears to be cracked in a radial fashion. Back light the res for better effect, although this largely depends on your coolant colour and opacity of course.

If it looks pants, then at least its easily undone :D

EDIT: I see there phone screen protectors that have fake cracks to pranks your mates, might be easier with that...
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How about get some opaque plastic film, add double sided tape to one side. Then cut the film into very thin jagged strips, peel off the double sided tape and place around the res picking a central "point of impact" so it appears to be cracked in a radial fashion. Back light the res for better effect, although this largely depends on your coolant colour and opacity of course.

If it looks pants, then at least its easily undone :D

EDIT: I see there phone screen protectors that have fake cracks to pranks your mates, might be easier with that...

Cracks in the res is a damn good idea. I will have too have a look online for those screen protectors XD
Yea, thats a damn good idea. One thought was to use different colour tubing for certain parts of the loop, but I think that would look too OTT.

I will deffo see if I can fake distress the tubing though
Been a while since my last update, but I've been busy with work. I have still managed to get a fair amount of work done though. All the watercooling gear is in now, bar the GPU block. EK only included 4x screws for mounting the block, great. I've opened up a support ticket, but I've yet to have a response. If needs be, to get the rig full of water and leak tested, I will go to the local James Listers and get some of the M3 DIN screws tomorrow. Pretty annoying, but hey, you can't account for these things; I'm not too happy considering I ordered it last week with 1 day DHL express and it didn't turn up til Friday :/

The routing of the tubing was actually not as hard as I imagined, once I ripped out the bottom of the drive bay cage. I got the dremel out and smashed it out in 5 mins, no need to keep it neat and tidy, the rougher the better.


The pump directly feeds the pump via a male to male 1/4" fitting.


As hinted before, the block arrived, buts useless without another 11x M3 DIN screws





On a positive note, ordered the CPU (6600K) and an SSHD (just to play about with) for the build from Overclockers on Friday and it arrived on Saturday, this meant I can get the CPU block mounted and start tubing up.













As you can see, nearly there! Just get the GPU block in a acquire some RAM, then we are done!

Hope you all had a great weekend! More updates soon!
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