Vault 111 by PEXON

Love that cabling mate, would Iodine be good for staining kinda fits with the theme.

"Iodine is also used to for radiation emergencies, to protect the thyroid gland against radioactive iodides. Potassium iodide tablets for use in a radiation emergency"
Sorry for being AFK guys! Had a really busy weekend and I took a day off work :O

Iodine sounds like an interesting idea! I will have a look and do some research!
Time for another small update, nothing massive as I've had a very busy weekend!

I done some carnage to the PSU!





I need to get another set of hex keys to take off the PSU cover, I lost all my dinky ones. I don't want to go too ham on the weathering and get any metallic dust or any of the powder coat inside the PSU and cause issues.


I also manged to distress the clear connectors, simply sanded random patches and used some ink to make some runs, to ensure it fits in with the theme. Its reallly hard to get some pics of the connectors when its late night in the workshop



Again, sorry for the small update, I just want to keep the thread up to date!

Thanks for looking.

Absolutely amazing and well done fella. It is one of the few themed builds that actually look like it could be from the game it's supposed to be from.
Amazing progress, keeps getting better and better mate. Do agree the cables look too good, more 'weathering' would be more in-keeping with the build. Would diluted bleach work???
Thanks man! I did have a go at more weathering and I will be uploading more pics soon. Bleach sounds like a good idea, I need something to strip more of the colour out of the sleeving
I just can't believe I have been saving up for ages to get some custom cables made up and i'm suggesting bleaching the awesome ones you made up... the world's gone mad lol
Cheers for the comments guys!

Just wondering where to go now.

I am wondering what CPU and motherboard to go for with Skylake being announced. Selling some old keyboard stuff to make some funds available
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