We had bikes pinched off our balcony - someone had to put a long ladder up, climb on, throw the bikes down and somehow get the bike and the ladder away - when we lived in full view of the police station!!!
Seriously, if you stood on the balcony you could have thrown a paper aeroplane thru the station windows, it was the building next door!!
The insurance didn't cover it because apparently a first floor balcony (in the opinion of Lloyds Insurance, who we have now left) is in the publicly accecible domain.
not really relevant to the thread (sorry OP) but I'm still cross about this over a year and half later!!
We didn't get the bike back (custom BMX, total worth somewhere around £500), it didn;t turn up on ebay, and have since been convinced we've seen someone riding it around town.
GRR! it's replacement now lives in the flat - dragged up the stairs after every ride!!