US: Vikings - anyone else watching this ?

Surely the vast majority (myself included) wouldn't know the different snake types? It would be money wasted changing them using CGI. He's dropped in a snake pit to die... that's all we really need to know surely?
Jesus, exactly. They used real snakes and gave a decent effect of someone dying by snake bites... to then moan about it "not being realistic" seems somewhat petty. 99.999% of people wouldn't have noticed anything amiss.
Agreed. We complained at the beginning that there was no budget for big battle scenes, well we have those now and varied sets and all sorts of cool things, who really cares if they economise a little bit on the CGI this once? I quite enjoyed the variety of snakes they put on and was wondering whether the people chucking them into the pit might have been the snakes' IRL owners :D
Agreed. We complained at the beginning that there was no budget for big battle scenes, well we have those now and varied sets and all sorts of cool things, who really cares if they economise a little bit on the CGI this once? I quite enjoyed the variety of snakes they put on and was wondering whether the people chucking them into the pit might have been the snakes' IRL owners :D


Roll on S5!

I honestly think as great as he was Ragnar's tale was told, and it was a fitting end historically.
Jesus, exactly. They used real snakes and gave a decent effect of someone dying by snake bites... to then moan about it "not being realistic" seems somewhat petty. 99.999% of people wouldn't have noticed anything amiss.

Just sitting on the fence but WHAT IF he isn't dead and they are able to use that excuse?
Ragnar standing there saying 'They were little snakes that don't kill and I ate them all".

Anyway somebody said it followed the books so under protest I will have to accept he's dead until Odin resurrects him.
Finally finished. Season 4 pt 2 was a big improvement, s3 and s4i were getting a bit tired.

Plenty more content to come with Alfred The Great fighting the heathen army.

I think Ivar is acted fine, very close to the point of over-doing it but just the right side. Bitterness and anger is are his defining characteristics.
Just sitting on the fence but WHAT IF he isn't dead and they are able to use that excuse?
Ragnar standing there saying 'They were little snakes that don't kill and I ate them all".

Anyway somebody said it followed the books so under protest I will have to accept he's dead until Odin resurrects him.

If so I will eat my hat, as NOTHING points towards this other than wild fan speculation.
I finally caught up and finished S4 Part 2 last couple of days. I like it, not sure how well it will hold together in the long run without Ragnar's presence but the son's are fine. Am hoping for a bit more from Bjorn as his characther has become a bit dull bit I think thats to allow for development for the rest of the sons. I think the guy doing Ivar is fine, whenever he's on screen you don't really know what he will do or how he will react which is what I think they are going for and it works for me. The other brothers are fine but could definitely use a bit more development other than liking the same girl.
Snake in the eye didn't do much except have a wonky pupil. I thought there was gonna be more to him.

Have to say I think they rushed ragnars demise a bit. Went from his francia fight with rollo to death as an older man within 6 episodes. I wonder if this was planned, or had something to do with his Hollywood exploits.

It's definitely not the same without him, and not sure if I'd watch if there wasn't some historical truth to the events. Bjorn is kinda boring but I seen him developing little quirks in the way he glances at people like his father which is making him more interesting.
First 2 episodes od s5 part 1 (oh joy we're getting it split again) haven't filled me with confidence, you can already tell which direction they are going for this season and I think it's going to be boring for most viewers.
Shame it's going the way it has as it was blatantly obvious, sticking with it but not holding high hopes.
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