US: Vikings - anyone else watching this ?

Wonder where they've all gone and hidden, to get the full army out in one night without any scouts seeing them, unless their under the floor in the church.
I watched this up until the middle of season 4. Thought the first two seasons were amazing, then it just got a bit stale.

Is Season 5 any better?
I'm really enjoying Season 5 so far.

Far more battles, far more gore and the separate threads of the main protagonists, Bjorn and Halfdan in the Mediterranean, Ivar & Hvitserk in Northumbria, Lagertha and Ubbe
waring with King Harald Finehair
in Kattegat and Floki going wandering
and discovering Iceland,
gives a fantastic sense of the expanse, diversity and exotic nature of the Dane/Norse trading Empire and we still haven't met the Varangian Rus yet.

The series, for me, has found it's feet again after having to lose Ragnar which was always going to cause a hump to get over due to the charisma Travis Fimmel brought to the role.
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Hope Lagertha snaps next episode and carries out her threat on Uber's wife Magret (even if it is a little harsh lol) as she's become like nails on a chalkboard to me lately.
Its felt quite a bit stale without that Ragnar feel to it, buts its growing on me and keeping me involved at least.
Not much happened this week, feel sorry for Astrid though now being pregnant after what happened to her.
I don't think I can take much more of this. Headmund, Ubbe and Bjorn can be interesting in small doses but nobody has enough to carry the show without Ragnar.
I don't think I can take much more of this. Headmund, Ubbe and Bjorn can be interesting in small doses but nobody has enough to carry the show without Ragnar.

The other characters do pale in comparison, I guess with the pov and story being told and formed around Ragnar it was more easier to relate and enjoy, but yeah now we have a ragnor mess atm. Its still a watchable show but its heading into that won't mind if I miss it pile.
Latest episode the best of the season. Setting up for the ultimate show down. Lot of scenes reminded me of Braveheart.
The battle itself was great, I watched it on my phone during breaks at work and had to go back and watch it on my big tv, even the scenes with all the brothers together are great, it's just when they're separated and all playing the part of 1/4 of Ragnar (which I guess is kind of the point but it still doesn't work as a viewer).

The Floki storyline is the bit that's really annoying me for going absolutely nowhere, can we fast forward to the bit where Edge dies taking a sword meant for Floki from the guy from Lost girl and spare the wasted time, we finally struck gold on the other plots.
No surprise there with Lagertha, wonder if Rollo will suddenly appear next week as it's the finale of 5a.
the real thing is will he kill lagarthar dont know how you spell her name but is he gunna kill her or not.the christian priest.been a big vikings fan but its gone lets milk it mode in last few eps.shame.

the priest is so his own way happy to be killed but swapping sides like its checkers.its either bad plot or....its a backstab and lagarther is the object.
Not that bad an ending for part 1 of S5, wonder which way they'll take it now it can't keep being about war for Kat.
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