US: Vikings - anyone else watching this ?

Yeah, it's never been quite the same since Ragnar went and we had the sons all playing the part of 1/4 of his character, when they were all together it worked but none of them are really compelling enough to carry these separate story lines.

It seems to have become a show that's existing solely on what should be B plots presented as A Plots.

Except for Floki's plot, that's just crap, same as I said above, can we fast forward to either Edge dying by the guy from lost girl's hand or vice versa and get on with it.
Watched 1st ep of the new run today. Fully agree, floki plot is tedious as hell. Frenchy turning up didn't add much. Got pretty tired of it on the last episodes but think I'll just bin it now. Went downhill and lost appeal when ragnar left, kind of made the show for me.
It has lost it's way a little...I thought Rollo re-appearing might get a decent arc going but he's just disappeared again.

Hegmund is an awful character, totally hammed up, the actor really annoys me. Totally unconvincing and no chemistry with Lagertha at all, feel bad for her having to play opposite that goon. Ditto Ivar. They're very one-dimensional, which is a shame as Ragnar was the opposite.

They really need to kick on with the Floki line or just kill it's going nowhere.
Still yet to watch this season, Ragnor really was the lynch pin of this tv series imo, even though s4 went a bit wtf, is it worth carrying on? I found the last kingdom far better lately - ironic, as I classed it as a poor mans Vikings in comparison when it first aired.
Floki is a great character though, im presuming from comments above they don't really invest in him?
I'd honestly say watch Season 5a, it's a slow burn, but what it builds to is worth it. Jury is still out on if 5b is worthwhile.

As for Floki well, honestly they've just run out of things for him to do, he's stuck in an absolutely inconsequential C plot when he should have should have just bought it at the end of Season 4. Without giving the game away as to what, he's separated from the other main characters in his own plot surrounded by new paper-thin characters who even after a half season I legitimately can't name, hence me only being able to call them Edge and the guy from Lost girl.
Have to admit after Ragnor the series did become lost, its still got some entertaining value and yeah floki may as well not be present frankly.

I got a bad feeling the walking dead are going a similar route, its very hard for people to accept change when a show is centered off its most popular main character and the world is seen through that persons eyes and mindset.
Thinking about it, Floki for the most part was pretty much a plot driver for Ragnor, and most of his interactions were with him, so without Ragnor I guess they have no real substance there.

I might give it a try once its all aired, I cant say im in a massive rush after the previous season.
It's had a good run which I've enjoyed and at least we still have another season for them to wrap things up with hopefully a decent ending.
I also think the last of the season will be the last of the show for me :P, its just not the same anymore, but then if there is only going to be 1 more season, i guess they have got me sucked in :P
I've been enjoying this season more than the last. The last dragged on and felt too soap operay for me, this has been a partial return to form.
**** me, I can't take any more of the Floki story line. It's so boring.

Agreed. I never skip through parts of a show, how can you keep track of a story if you're skipping bits? But I'm very nearly there with the Floki rubbish. Is it any way at all related to everything else going on, or is it trying to be historically accurate or something?
The Floki story line is a bore. He was one of the best characters in the early seasons put to pasture of late. Hopefully a return to form later.
Just finished Season 5.

Really enjoyed the bit where Bjorn broke through the gate only to become trapped. 5b has felt like it was heading toward Ivar's downfall, so they were able to throw in a bit of confusion there and make it look like he had won before ultimately granting Bjorn the win. Thought that was really well done.

Should have ended the show with Ragnar's death though, and used it as a launchpad for another show (or shows). They could have used it as an opportunity to axe some of the dead weight and focus on the characters who actually have a story to tell (Bjorn, Ivar, Rollo).
They were certainly saving the budget for that last episode and it did not disappoint.

Well we got 20 more episodes of the next season and then its wrapped up according to the writer of the show, he does not want to go any further saying they all got to tell what happens to ragnors sons, think that is for the best.
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