Virgin Media Broadband 20MB

17 Oct 2003
drunkenmaster said:
stats wise i've looked around and seen some basic numbers, downstream recieve power level is at -13dbmv, snr at 31.1, upstream power at 56dbmv. from what i've seen those aren't in the recommended ranges(though the figures i've seen could be old), but i'm not sure what thats supposed to cause, dropped packets, high pings, low speeds or other problems?

Its been a while since I have done an install, and the levels vary from franchise to franchise, but I would suggest your upstream/downstream levels are borderline.

It sounds like you could have some severe kinkage :eek: in the RG cable feeding the modem. Have a look for any very tight bends/kinks in the cable and if possible smooth them out.

Do you have any attenuators on the modem?

EDIT: From memory +3 to -7 on downstream and 57 on upstream were the limits in the Edinburgh region.

My modem is sitting at +4 downstream and 53 upstream just now.
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18 Oct 2002
the stats i'd seen said something along those lines, -6 to 10 or something and i think 45 recommended for upstream. afaik no kinks.

we do have a guy coming out to do something with the tv on thursday already as at the moment we can't view movies if they have a rating that requires a pincode as pressing red button does nothing, says somethings loading then just sticks and needs turning off.

is there a way to turn pin requirement off as standard, could only find basic settings that really don't help. was peeved enough with sky when they smacked pincodes on for films. youngest person in the house is me at 24, surely putting in pincodes isn't needed and is a HUGE waste of time and a pain in the ass. why can't both sky and virgin not have a section on their contract to state no one under 18years old will ever be watching the box so the card you get doesn't require pincodes for that.

right now i'm getting around 1.5mbps which is just crap. i've had task manager open keeping an eye on overall bandwidth coming from that network port and since 4pm we hadn't gone past 1.5gigs so definately shouldn't be limited and its been slow all day, also have way above the supposed limits for the upload. gonna call tomorrow, tempted to just tell them to FO because everything they've done has been entirely useless.
17 Oct 2003
Digital Spy Forums said:
If you have a V+ box, your red button probably doesn't work. That means you can't access most of the Sky Movies channels by that method.

Instead, set the film to record on your V+ box, and then watch it immediately from the recording. The system will then ask you for your PIN. Input it and hey presto, the film is accessed.

I understand that the red button on the V+ boxes will be activated when the new software is rolled out across the entire country - by the end of June, we're told.

Is your Digi box/modem running of a splitter? If so is it possible to disconnect the modem from the splitter and connect it straight into the box on the wall at the point of entry?

EDIT: btw dodgy signal levels will cause your digi box to screw up but it is more tolerant than the cable modem. Sounds like you got a shady install bud.

What happened with your cable being cut? Was it the cable coming from the street through your garden?
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15 Jan 2004
For those who requested a new modem, have you received it yet? I swear it said 14 days when we requested it, which was probably a month ago now.
26 May 2007
Longbow said:
For those who requested a new modem, have you received it yet? I swear it said 14 days when we requested it, which was probably a month ago now.

Yes,received mine bang on the 14 days it said it would take.

On the email you should have got when registering for a new one there should have been a telephone number for u to ring if you hadnt received it within 14 days.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2003
Longbow said:
For those who requested a new modem, have you received it yet? I swear it said 14 days when we requested it, which was probably a month ago now.
Yeah had mine ~7 days after ordering. My area is August on that list (better than TBC I guess :confused: ).
18 Oct 2002
Longbow said:
For those who requested a new modem, have you received it yet? I swear it said 14 days when we requested it, which was probably a month ago now.

I've not had mine yet so I'll be phoning them this weekend just to make sure it wasn't "lost in the post" as it's been over 14 days for me too.

Edit: Just phoned VM and they said Quick Start wasn't available to me yet until the 7th July when my account gets switched over to their new billing system.
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16 May 2004
Juts heard about this from my mate. Tried to d/l from the NTL Linux site. got a max of 200kbs??? Why? I been d/l at 1mb sec this last few days.

Shed any light on this? I live in Derby and my mate has had his speed increased.

Edit: Rebooted my router. All is fine now..:D

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