Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Ahh It could be my router.

I'm running a netgear wnr1000

From what i can see I don't think its gigabit, says this:
Five (5) 10/100 (1 WAN and 4 LAN) Ethernet ports with auto-sensing technology

Even if it can run the LAN at 100, and the WAN components are specced on paper for 100, chances are it won't have the memory and CPU to actually deal with traffic over the WAN at those higher speeds. It's new router time I'm afraid.
Even if it can run the LAN at 100, and the WAN components are specced on paper for 100, chances are it won't have the memory and CPU to actually deal with traffic over the WAN at those higher speeds. It's new router time I'm afraid.

I don't mind too much, means I can get a dual band one and get the most out of the wireless N on some of my device.

do you have any recommendations for around £60ish?
well dropped from 125mb VM to 50mb BT Infinity 2 after my house move :(

on a positive - pings seem quite a bit lower and youtube seems far better :)

pity not 100mb plus though
Virgin Media are rolling out new packages, first to current customers and then to new customers.

They are replacing the Premier, VIP ones etc.

If you phone up you can switched to one of the new packages. I was on premier but I phoned up about something else and they offered to switch me to one of the new ones which increases my speed from 100mbps ->152mbps, for £4,70 less p/m while also not tying me into a longer contract.

I phoned up today using 150 and was told i couldn't have the new package as i was on a contract. I phoned again on the 0800 number and asked if i could change my package in contract and they said yes. Told them i wanted the big kahuna package advertised at £60.99 as i was paying £74. He said the package would be £74.99. I said according to the website it was £45 + £15.99 phone line rental making it £60.99. He went away for a couple of minutes and came back and offered me 152meg bb 230+ channels and talk weekends for £50.99, which made no sense to me so i asked him to double check. He came back and told me i had the package for £50.99 and would he like me to change the account now. I had to take it, wasn't going to argue with him :)

Heres my speedtest result

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Stupid question here guys, but thought I'd ask it.

I want to change over the SH2 to modem mode and use a Draytek 2920 which should be able to support my connection, 152mb. Anybody got experience of this? Just wondering as at the moment I've got it connected to the gigabit WAN interface but can only pull 103mb down.

Am unsure whether its contention in the area or I've been limited, even though that doesn't occur on the downstream, only upstream.. still getting used to the little changes with the STM, especially coming from Sky Fibre.

I'm going to put the SH2 back into router mode and see if that fixes the problem but before I start changing things, just wanted to check :)

There is no STM on DL on all but bottom Tiers, just the UL.

I think its the WAN port on the Draytek but not 100% sure but seen others with same issue with various routers.

If you can get your 120/152Mb/s (whatever your on) with the SH2 as a router or modem then its not VM side.
Thanks jh30uk :) Just tried it without the Draytek and yep its the bottle neck alright *sigh* and the Draytek has gigabit as well so should be able to take the full 152mb. I'm going to raise a support case with them as it should be able to handle it perfectly.

Just as an aside, is the Asus RT-N66U still the best to go for? If I can't get the Draytek sorted then I'll return it and get something else
You've go no chance with that Draytek. The 2820 is only rated for about 50Mb/s LAN-WAN. Even the later 2830 is limited to about 90Mb/s.

Just realised you're talking about the 2920. You're still hitting the router's maximum throughput (you're actually exceeding the 90Mb/s it's claimed to support). You'd need something more modern such as the 2860.
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Sometimes the port supports but the QAM or CPU cannot (like some older VM routers that were supposed to be able to do 1Gb/s.

I do not know that model so guessing, could be a simple setting to change.

Edit : There you go, peep above posted same time as me.
DOH! That's one thing that I forgot to do when purchasing the damn thing and that's to check the throughput *sigh* Still suck in VDSL land where anything would work.

Thanks for your help guys .. new router time for me then :D
Offbeat question: I'm a new customer (so still 17 months left on my contract :) ) and am shocked that they want me to pay for caller ID.

Anybody know of a way to phone up and see if they will put it on for free?
Got a decent deal with the Virgin Big Bang (titter ye not)

Broadband doubled to 100MB, tv M+, TiVo fee, and evenings and weekends plus line rental for £46 a month. Superhub 2 and installation free of charge. (Usually £50).
Was looking to get Virgin for some increased download bandwidth and primarily upload. Also thought to abandon Sky. Sadly despite an online quote and email confirmation of £47.73/month (152Mb; M+ and 1TB Tivo; no phone) the contract arrived for £56.49/month. Checked again today and the web-site still offers the same price; seems however that it is not visible to the call centre and they cannot/will not match it. Looks like I will have to wait for FTTC, my exchange has been upgraded but no news when/if my cabinet will.
I've just upgraded from 60MB to 152 (new Kahuna deal)
Will I only get the 152 when my area is upgraded? My area states from Dec14 to May15!
Also what would I be on until my area is upgraded? Is it 120MB?
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