Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Our virgin internet and TiVo have stopped working, phoned virgin and they have said all their services have stopped, we are in West Midlands, say they hope to get everything back up tonight.. :(
Sign up to ThinkBroadband and set up a profile and connection monitor for your IP. Let it run for a week or so then contact VM support with the results. That way you can actually demonstrate a long term problem and they have some concrete data to start with. Until you do this it's just your word against theirs.

Thanks for the tip[...will do just that.

I think they are in the process of giving me 50meg upgrade in my area for free, don't know if this is having knock on issues.
Yesterday and this evening have strangely been fine, so on with the monitoring.
Sign up to ThinkBroadband and set up a profile and connection monitor for your IP. Let it run for a week or so then contact VM support with the results. That way you can actually demonstrate a long term problem and they have some concrete data to start with. Until you do this it's just your word against theirs.

ok so I have now had this monitor running for a 24 hour period.

I am seeing more packet loss with the pingplotter application (as linked above) still contact VM ?
Sick of dealing with VM. When the internet connection was working, so not on a weekend, they were great. But so many issues. Cancelled (after contract term so no issues), they owe me £90 credit but are holding it. They're trying to charge another month and not pay me, but I shouldn't have to pay another month. Sigh...
Never really had a problem with VM fibre optic. I have 120Mb atm, soon to be upgraded to 150Mb in my area, best download speed I have had was 112Mbps and 11Mbps upload at around 13 ping and that was on wireless using the VM dongle they gave me. My area is really good where I am for fibre optic.
This is mine. I ONLY get packetloss playing BF4...


Zen Fibre Pro Unlimited - 50 down 8 up iirc.
When I move house to Chester I am going to try and get FTTPoD installed before I move in, which means I will be fibre from my modem all the way to the dark fibre paths connecting the UK to other countries.... which means I should be future proofed forever?

330mbit down and 30 mbit up will do nicely!
Hey folks,

Just seen there is a SH2 out, I'm still on the orignal superhub and have been for 2 years. Is it worth trying to get a SH2? I've heard its got better wireless?

If so anyone know how to go about getting one? Ideally FOC!
Could try saying that your wireless signal is very port no matter where you are in the house. They'll probably try to remote access it and tinker with it, but I did this and they ended up sending out an engineer. I just said the wireless was awful on the sh1, which he agreed, and he gave me an sh2.
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