I have had the hub 3 now for two months on the 150 mb package and have only found it a now and again issue when gaming a few rubber band issues not much .i can live with it may be different if your a hi end gamer and always need the perfect ping connection.overall yes there is a firmware issue with the hub 3 .Also they have just finished the so called upgrade to s70 barnsley/rotherham area14.Befor this i had speeds like Dicehunter the post above yours for over six months.
Thanks acake. While I'm certainly no pro gamer, I wouldn't want to have the lagging or rubberbanding happening often... certainly not more than a handfull of occasions.
It appears my account has technically been upgraded to VIVID 300, despite not yet calling to activate the new Hub 3.0. So unfortunately I think I'm in the position I was trying not to get into, of potentially having to downgrade my account and all the phone calls that go with it. I guess I have nothing to loose by plugging in the new hub and seeing how I get on...