Virgin Media Discussion Thread

Virgin have been ok for me, except they keep raising the prices for no reason and I have to keep haggling them back down. I use cable internet only though, no TV or phone line etc. Most of their issues seem to be with their TV service.

Their support is usually ok. Assuming you get someone who speaks intelligible English. None of them know what they are talking about though, just reading from a script.
Virgin internet is great and it's improved greatly from 5-10 years ago, where student areas where stupidly slow and 3day outages happened several times a year.
Their TV box sucks it's so slow.
However just don't get the TV it's a waste of money, if you must have TV then now TV is usualy far better value and includes the important channels for most people.
Been on VM for internet only for the last 2 years. >300meg which is very reliable. Only once has it been down in that time but I guess it does depend on the area you live in.

The only thing that has been annoying me is the price hikes. my monthly bills have gone up by £3, twice in the last 15 months. I do need to get in contact with them and have a moan as it really isn't on.
I've been with VW for just over a year now, when I first joined we had utilization issues and the speed would be no faster than 20mb in a evening when I was on the vivid 200 package, they fixed this by updating the cab within a month and I've had full speed since then 24/7 , switched to the vivid 300 package last month and average 350mb on and

In the year I've been with them it's been off twice, once for several hours in the middle of the day as something happened to the cabinet on our estate and the other time was a outage that affected the whole area when something was cut through but that was back on by next morning.

Only thing that does urk me is they like putting the prices up by small amounts every year.
Virgin internet is great and it's improved greatly from 5-10 years ago, where student areas where stupidly slow and 3day outages happened several times a year.
Their TV box sucks it's so slow.
However just don't get the TV it's a waste of money, if you must have TV then now TV is usualy far better value and includes the important channels for most people.
The new V6 box isn't slow at all, just as quick as any Sky EPG I've used
Gash routers, decent service, best speeds going, customer service could be improved - Only use them for internet. Used to use them for TV but the virgin box was horrendous and slow.
Oh god... Lets hope you don't have any issues with them.

I've found the half dozen times I've had to ring them to be a truly horrific experiences.

Really? Truly horrific? That's the kind of language I would ascribe to mass murder. Not calling a service provider for assistance. Seriously mate, calm down and get a grip on reality.
I would never move to an area that doesn't have Virgin Media for the internet.

Same, I have had my ups and downs with them since 2001 on TeleWest Blueyonder through to current VM branding but they fix any issues eventually.

Currently have no TV service (few years now) but XL phone and Vivid 350, my mother (I pay her bill) has 2x V6 Tivo's (so I am familiar with them) and XL phone and obviously now needs broadband internet for the Tivo V6 boxes.

FYI anyone going to Tivo V6's the minimum broadband speed is now 50Mb/s not 100Mb/s like it was at launch so saving you some money, because my mothers home did not need internet before swapping the crap slow Tivos to V6's.
Richard Branson has nothing to do with Virgin Media. I think they pay him a licensing fee so they are able to use the "virgin" brand name. other than that it's nothing to do with him. for instance if he makes zero decisions there or has any control.

it's the same with a lot of virgin products these days. People think he owns 1000 different companies but he doesn't. just clever marketing. he also doesn't pay any tax here. he lives in a tax haven he built himself. yet he constantly asks british taxpayers for charitable donations.

on topic: VM is great
Yodel is a black hole. If you are ever given the choice of a free engineer setup, take that. I opted to receive the quick start package, but Yodel lost it and I had to wait for an engineer to come out and hand deliver a replacement. Four days later than planned, but I'm happy! I just downloaded Middle Earth: Shadow of War, from Steam, at 48.2 MB/s. It's a nice upgrade from my 200Mbps.

Their internet is awful in my area, always going down and over subscribed. Their TV is pretty good (apart from the horrible laggy Tivo box). I just left them as they wouldn't give me the new v6 box without their internet. Swapped to BT TV as it was only £10 extra on my internet. I also got NowTV and Netflix and still £15 better off than i was with virgin for pretty much the same thing with more sports and 4k.
V6 uses Internet for all catch up and on demand, same as previous boxes but does not have an internal modem unlike the older Tivo (10Mb/s connection but can actually do 20Mb/s but crippled by firmware).

The fitter says its more messing for them on and IMO more cash for VM as my mother would never have needed broadband otherwise.
Not once had a good experience, took 5 visits for them to install broadband and tv, due to idiots not connecting it correctly and issues with the cables themselves and how they wired it, then having to deal with there customer service. Got a deal for them to say a mistake and they removed part of the package (was sports HD) few months in but they gave me £10 as an apology.

Always ended up speaking to some one in India so was impossible to speak to get the issue resolved easily.

Honestly can't ever recommend them.

God forbid you ever want to change contract name too what should be simple takes the months and constant calls, soon as I could leave I did went back to sky, sky have always been great for me customer service and product, I know there Internet is slower but couldn't care less I will only ever touch vm again if it's the only choice in an area
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