Same here.I very much doubt it, you read this thread about the SH3 and it's all doom and gloom yet when I game online I don't appear to get any of the issues that people state in here.
I very much doubt it, you read this thread about the SH3 and it's all doom and gloom yet when I game online I don't appear to get any of the issues that people state in here.
I very much doubt it, you read this thread about the SH3 and it's all doom and gloom yet when I game online I don't appear to get any of the issues that people state in here.
Any recommendations for a separate router with WiFi? The VM Hub WiFi is awful. Keeps dropping out.
Set up a Broadband Quality Monitor and post it here in 24 hours.
This is me on 300Mb/s:
This is a few days later on 350Mb/s:
Just had tons of fun and games with Virgin, but got a ok result in end.
I was paying 55 odd for Mix TV / 100Mbps BB / Phone. Now pay 58 but with 350Mbps BB. Probably still over odds but quite happy with deal.
Next up I knew my powerline adaptors (60Mbps tops) would now not cope so whizzed up to shop and got two TP Link USB WIFI adaptors... was still having issues so went back so bought a TP-LINK AC1350 C60 Router and put SH3 in modem mode. Though I could now get over 800Mbps connected to router I was still not getting over 70Mbps internets and spent forever trying to get it fixed (many hours). Turns out this router only has a 100Mbps WAN port, completely shocking given it says 'for Virgin Internet' on box. I never thought of checking as assumed it would be Gigabit in this day and age. It will be going back for a refund today!
I'm now back on just SH3, and after tweaking 5GHz channel to get a good 877Mbps WIFI connection get below... pretty pleased.
Just cancelled my virgin after they wanted £50 a month for just 200mbps broadband. Can I expect a call from retentions? Or best to join as a new customer?
Any recommendations for a separate router with WiFi? The VM Hub WiFi is awful. Keeps dropping out.
Is DD-WRT much better than merlin? I have been using 2 68u's (with gigabit extenders) to increase the range of wifi over the house and sometimes have issues with connections dropping. I wonder if its the merlin firmware...Im running a Netgear R7000 (with DD-WRT) as the main router behind the SH3, and an Asus AC68U (also dd-wrt) from a different location in the house - the Asus has an Amazing WIFI range/speed.. Second hand they can both be had for around £50.
Is DD-WRT much better than merlin? I have been using 2 68u's (with gigabit extenders) to increase the range of wifi over the house and sometimes have issues with connections dropping. I wonder if its the merlin firmware...
Is DD-WRT much better than merlin? I have been using 2 68u's (with gigabit extenders) to increase the range of wifi over the house and sometimes have issues with connections dropping. I wonder if its the merlin firmware...