Virgin Media Discussion Thread

I had 50mb installed on the 18th February and I'm in the process of trying to get my Superhub swapped to a VMNG300 modem due to all the problems the Superhub has, such as drop outs and idle timeout problems when using SSH and FTP. They have 10 days left to do it or I will be leaving under their 28 day guarantee.
Try restricting your upload to something really slow and keeping your 50mbit download the same and we will see whose right.

You have no idea what you're talking about. 200Kb/s upstream is fine for browsing the web. 5Mb/s upstream won't make it any faster.
meep! meep!.
You have no idea what you're talking about. 200Kb/s upstream is fine for browsing the web. 5Mb/s upstream won't make it any faster.

Yes it does Ive seen it first hand. It depends on the web site and how much your throttle the upload but if you cant send http get requests fast enough for all the elements which are on a website it WILL affect your browsing. This isnt the mid 90s anymore website are getting bigger!
Yes it does Ive seen it first hand. It depends on the web site and how much your throttle the upload but if you cant send http get requests fast enough for all the elements which are on a website it WILL affect your browsing. This isnt the mid 90s anymore website are getting bigger!

No, it will NOT affect your browsing!

Downloading at a solid 50Mb/s only uses at most 150KB/s upload (around 1.1Mb/s).

Even opening around 50 bookmarked tabs at once my upload peaks at 250KB/s, which ok is around 2Mb/s so theoretically would have been slower had I not been on the upgraded upload. However it as good as makes no difference as 1) I never open 50 tabs at once and 2) the difference would still not be noticeable.

EDIT: By the way, the upload on non-upgraded 50mb connections is 1.5Mb/s not 1.75 :)
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I envy everyone who has cable in their area and has Virgin Broadband, my area (Dudley) has no plans for cable lines to be put in or fibre optic, so I'm stuck with a 5MB line. Which is very frustrating as I download an awful lot of TV shows, games and HD films!
Im getting my 100mb installed on Friday can I still use my netgear 3700 or do I need to use there new moden and router,

Im getting my 100mb installed on Friday can I still use my netgear 3700 or do I need to use there new moden and router,


You'll need to use the new superhub. You can disable DHCP on the superhub and put the IP of the Netgear in the DMZ.
I wonder if anyone can help? I have the virgin 50meg service and one particular site I sue you can watch video or choose to download it by 'save as'. Problem is whetehr I watch the video in browser or choose to download, it gets a third of the way down then stops. Very annoying.

I've reset the browser, disabled kaspersky, disabled teh superhub firewall and ip flood detction. Any ideas guys?

Everything else seems to download fine and youtube streams fine etc
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