Virgin Media Upload Speed Upgrades

Wow, that sucks. It's more than the 75% throttle they promised too, more like 85 / 90%. Damn.

We have a workaround for usenet now, but all they'd have to do is include port 443 in the list and it's game over :(

maybe its posts like these that alert companys like virgin lol
Edit: I switched from the Manchester server to the London one sorted out the speed problems.
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im noticing crap speeds on steam. I mean steam has always been blisteringly fast and sure sometimes they are just overloaded but this is ridiculous i had a 169mb patch for i think DOW2 and it took a good 20 mins to download on 50mb connection.....
Isn't Steam a P2P-based system? If so, then it'll be shaped presumably.

Damn, this whole thing majorly sucks! I can handle Usenet shaping, but FTP and P2P, jesus...
I havce had no problems with slow downs on BT :| I just donwloaded 2GB through BT and kept a constant 1MB/s or above. (On 20meg line)
Oh look it's 12am!

steam isnt p2p aparently so ftp? i hear that is being shaped too sounds like everything is being shaped. So now im paying a premium for a premium package and from lunctime or 5 till midnight i cant download with torrents, newsgroups or even through steam. Gaming becomes very unstable as pings rocket up. Cant want nice youtube vids because they all load slow now... so what am i actually getting?

spose its nocturnal for me!

so is all this connection rape basically trying to force people over to 100mb?
I have found that my Virgin 50mb has suffered this evening, SSL Usenet to Astraweb, before midnight stuck on 700k, bang on 00:01 and it shoots back up.
Are they throttling everything basically? Including steam, games, youtube etc?

Whats the point of 50mb if you dont get 50mb when you need it? I thought the whole point of throttling was to allow everyone to get decent speeds when browsing/downloading (according to the virgin website). Do they think Im paying for 50mb just to check emails?

Really poor if all of that is true.

Ive been having really bad ping and jitter issues for 2 weeks now so Im not sure if thats because of the new throttling or because of a fault on my line. Engineer is supposedly coming today to check my connection, lets wait and see.
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