5.00pm - 12.00am is taking the mickey!!
Its when most people return home from work and use the internet!!
Throttling on-top of download limits is taking it too far!
My FTP activity is throttled to 20-40kb/s which is way more than 75% stated on they website for my 20Mb connection! Its more like 95%!
How can virgin have 50mb/100mb packages when they do stupid things like this? Its pointless!
Throttling should be between the hours of 8pm-10pm and they shouldn't throttle more than 75% of the speed.
Think its time to go back to 10Mb connection!
It only noticeably affected me last night, 22:30 last night i thought i would download a TV Episode of something state-side to catchup on, and my newsgroup access was throttled right back to 500-700k, so i stopped it, then as a test started it back off at 23:50 and i was still throttled to 500-700k, and then dead on 00:01 my speeds shot back up.
Taken directly from their website -
"Acceptable use policy: Acceptable use policy applies. Traffic Management operates from 4pm to 9pm and 10am to 3pm to ensure a consistent user experience"
So that shows that Traffic Management up until 9pm, so why was i throttled at 22:30 right up until midnight.
I phoned Virgin to get an answer, the usual frustration of speaking to 7 (Yes Severn) different people in nearly an hour, before someone then said "phone back when it is throttled and we will look into it then" as apparently looking at my usage there was no reason why i should have been throttled, so not even the phone-monkeys will admit to this new Traffic Shaping.
The above advice from VM aside, looking round on the net it looks like VM have introduced new Traffic Shaping and forgotten the reasons why they advertise the 50MB Speed Service.
Taken from VM Sales Page "Up to 50Mb speed, Download a music track in 1 second5, and a 15GB HD movie in less than an hour"
Where do they propose i download a 15GB HD Movie in less than an hour ?? Certainly not Usenet thats for sure, as they will be waiting a few days, not under an hour !
If they will be permanently Traffic Shaping between 5pm-12 Midnight then this is pretty much when every man and his dog wants to use the service, making it unusable for what 90% of the people got 50MB for, the only thing to do is to downgrade back down to 20mb or the 10mb package and revert back to scheduling downloads overnight, there is no way im going to continue paying 50MB prices for this kind of Traffic Shaping, and they can go whistle for the 100MB service if this is what they plan on doing to it.