Vista Check List??

Treefrog said:

That was probably made from some linux nerd. Vista is probably going to turn out much more secure than XP.
Lagz said:
That was probably made from some linux nerd. Vista is probably going to turn out much more secure than XP.

I agree, I think that they have lived and learned with Xp about security

There is only one part of Vista that i dont like and that is DX10 issue. IIRC to get the best out of vista you need a DX10 card (which arent out yet i dont think) and there is talk that vista wont be backwards compatible to all previous DX versions (not good for CS 1.6 fans). There is also pressure to release DX10 only games (there are reported gaming improvements using it), but the downside is that you need Vista and a DX10 Gcard to play these games if they arent backwards compatible.

This is based on what i read on another forum a month or 2 ago, so please correct me if im wrong or things have changed. Personally i`m not that excited or dissapointed by vista and i would probably upgrade 6 month - 1yr after release depending on if it has issues or not. Though my PC may need an update first:

2.2 ghz p4 (no HT), 512 rdram (get in), geforce ti4600 (beast of a card :D )
PikeyPriest said:
2.2 ghz p4 (no HT), 512 rdram (get in), geforce ti4600 (beast of a card :D )

geforce ti4600... I have one of them in the attic somewhere.... I'm writing this using a Voodoo card ;) thing about it is that Windows 2000 had the drivers for it, go figure :)

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Mellownatts said:
Im quite content with XP at the moment, no need to fix something that aint broken.

Yeah, who needs to advance technology anyway? :p I for one look forward to features such as DX10.

PikeyPriest said:
and there is talk that vista wont be backwards compatible to all previous DX versions (not good for CS 1.6 fans).
Bull. It will definately be compatible. Maybe there's a chance there will be a slight performance decrease with older versions but since you would be using a more up to date card it's not going to make a difference. Also the only game I know of that will be Vista only is Halo 2 and that's not that surprising since it's an MS owned game.
Psyk said:
There is a big misconception about DRM. It's not up to microsoft whether something is DRM protected or not, it's up to the content provider. If Vista didn't support it, it just wouldn't be able to play DRM protected media. It doesn't mean that everything that runs on Vista will be "full of DRM crap".

saved me the effort thanks. Not sure why people are whining about DRM when its on most pc's these days anyway i.e. itunes

I for one am really looking forward to Vista. Really don't understand people who want it to fail, its going to improved upon many things from xp. And once the games start to role out for dx10 :)
I mean why did we all bother upgrading from DOS, that could run doom perfectly :p
I used to not like the look of Vista but after reading a lot more articles and information about it I'm slightly looking forward to it now, kinda :) . I mean if it's as secure as it seems it's going to be then not only will it make many pc a lot more secure. IE7 is long overdue but it's good to see people giving the BETAs the thumbs up. Is IE7 Vista only? The only thing I don't like which is bound to happen is software (ie. Halo) being developed for Vista only, forcing us to upgrade but that didn't happen with XP so I hope it doesn't for Vista. When it's released I'm going to buy loads of computer magazines and look on these forums to see peoples opinions. If they're good I'll upgrade... if the price and my system is up 2 it :D
Damn my PC isn't good enough :(

We're sorry, but your PC cannot currently install and run the core experiences of Windows Vista.
However, you may be able prepare your computer for Windows Vista by upgrading your PC hardware.
You will need to take the following actions to run Windows Vista.

Additional hard drive storage

15GB free space required (Your computer currently has 3.63 GB)
agw_01 said:

I bet it's full of all kinds of DRM crap... not to mention it's going to totally hog system resources with its fancy interface.

Gameplay performance will no doubt fall considerably as the OS takes big chunks of memory bandwidth away from other applications.

Roll on Vista :rolleyes:

DRM isnt really MS's fault though, more the MPAA/RIAA.

Also yea the "fancy" new interface will use more memory, but it will also use almost zero CPU Power unlike XP. Plus the game performance should be improved due to enhancements to DX10's integration with the OS and optimisations elsewhere in the kernel.

You seemed to have overlooked a few things :p

so yea, Roll on vista ;)
Listen, Vista is a good thing. Progress is a good thing. Everyone who cares has more that 15GB and more than a 1Ghz Processor. stop bitch whinning.

Anyway heres to my PC being upgraded.

(windows 64bit) I thought vist would have worked on cutting edge 64bt :p
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